opeth and into eternity


satans onion
Mar 4, 2005
the greatest news in the world, opeth and into eternity touring the states together... the two greatest prog metal bands period.. together. wow. any way, im kinda wondering if any of yall opeth fans have heard of into eternity and if you like em? (they kick ass).
They're ok, but not really my thing. And they have hardly any similarity to Opeth, apart from the fact that Opeth have a bigger prog influence now - I really cant imagine them playing together, to tell the truth!
I am personally looking forward to Into Eternity w/Opeth(Whom I am obvisouly going for first and foremost)They have a "differnt" style...which i like...nothing like Opeth but i see this as a good thing.I do not want everything to be the same...but everyone has influences etc. going to the oct. 31st show.First date Into Eternity starts.See everyone at the shows.Opeth is going to destroy on stage. :rock:
Into eternity is good. Live in the same city as them so Ive seen lots of local shows...I cant believe a "local" band is touring with Opeth, and i kinda know them, it is wicked
well, the idea is they are the other side of prog death metal... they have the more standard prog vocal style with growls (which are awesome simply because all five members of the band harmonize thier growls), and a more standard prog guitar style which is more virtuosic(in the flashy fast guitar sense) than opeth. dont get me wrong opeth is the better of the two. but if you like progressive music and death metal, i dont know any other bands that combine the two so well with the possible acception of meshuggah (who like opeth and into eternity are in a league/genre all thier own).
Minion520 said:
Into Eternity is so shitty, bring back DevilDrive please

Into Eternity and Opeth are the best bands in the prog/death category IMO, with Into Eternity being much thrashier and having an amazing vocal delivery, with 3 and 4 vocal harmonies, mixing death/black/prog vox simultaneously, and Tim Roth and Rob Doherty are 2 of the best guitarists out there currently, this lineup is gonna kill, especially with Nevermore.
Minion520 said:
Into Eternity is so shitty, bring back DevilDrive please

First its devil driver, you spelled it wrong and its two words. If your going to say that about into eternity, say why you think that or shut the fuck up (could you play splintered visions, (no yeah I didn't think so)). I feel sick after reading that, give an opinion, not a stupid statement. If they suck why does opeth want them on tour. Then if you knew anything about the band you would know that this is a new band. Tim Roth is the heart and soul, but their have been some changes, but I must say I have heard their new songs and you have not and they are so bad ass. Then I saw devil driver and Dez rules but every god damn guitar riff soungs the same, I still think its good but it is kinda bland. and they got booed off the stage. Also consider this opeth wants into eternity on tour devil driver is touring with GWAR, I think into eternity got the better deal. Last fuck you if you don't have anything good to say shut the fuck up, opeth did not make this so you could make an ass our of your self its for fans to talk to fans, not to insult great musicians that opeth I am SURE has a great deal of respect for.
drifter620 said:
First its devil driver, you spelled it wrong and its two words. If your going to say that about into eternity, say why you think that or shut the fuck up (could you play splintered visions, (no yeah I didn't think so)). I feel sick after reading that, give an opinion, not a stupid statement. If they suck why does opeth want them on tour. Then if you knew anything about the band you would know that this is a new band. Tim Roth is the heart and soul, but their have been some changes, but I must say I have heard their new songs and you have not and they are so bad ass. Then I saw devil driver and Dez rules but every god damn guitar riff soungs the same, I still think its good but it is kinda bland. and they got booed off the stage. Also consider this opeth wants into eternity on tour devil driver is touring with GWAR, I think into eternity got the better deal. Last fuck you if you don't have anything good to say shut the fuck up, opeth did not make this so you could make an ass our of your self its for fans to talk to fans, not to insult great musicians that opeth I am SURE has a great deal of respect for.

first of all, you used the worst argument possible: what does it matter if he doesn't match into eternity's guitarists' skill? some of us are music fans and others are musicians. we can critique music too.

second, opeth does not choose who tours with them. their label is in almost complete control of that.

also, he stated an opinion and doesn't have to justify it. respect other people's thoughts.

btw, into eternity sucks ass.
HAHAHAHA, you faggots actually thought I was serious with that statement. God, the fuckin idiots have sure cropted up around here recently. Anyway, Devil Driver sucks, we all know that. As for into eternity they are so shitty as well, its fuckin bullshit wanking with forced guitar leads and chug chug chug generic shitty melodies, they have no soul or feeling. Is that a better explanation shithead?
I would love to see Opeth, Nevermore, and Into Eternity on a stage together. I lvve all three of those bands. I've never seen Opeth, I'm really hoping next month. I've seen Nevermore and they are awesome live, and I just saw Into Eternity and they put on a hell of a show. They're really excited about this tour, and I think they should be. All three of the bands are awesome bands. All three of them have different sounds, it would make for a good varitety show. But to tell you the truth, I'd above all like to see just Opeth on a show, and give them all posibilities to a really long set.
Prognostic said:
first of all, you used the worst argument possible: what does it matter if he doesn't match into eternity's guitarists' skill? some of us are music fans and others are musicians. we can critique music too.

second, opeth does not choose who tours with them. their label is in almost complete control of that.

also, he stated an opinion and doesn't have to justify it. respect other people's thoughts.

btw, into eternity sucks ass.
Now here's a guy who people can respect
both nevermore and into eternity are pathetic compared to Opeth. they sound like sonic combination of diarrhea and yeast infection discharge...

im going to have to find out when Opeth goes on stage so i can make sure im nowhere near those clowns when theyre playing.

Unfortunately I won't be able to see either Nevermore or Into Eternity as Houston falls into the Pelican portion of the tour. Regardless it'll be great to see Opeth again.
DreamingofUr said:
I agree with your previous statements on this silly thread but NILE demolish all american bands! Dallas' hairline is \m/.
yea nile is amazing, but their latest cd is a little sub par, just the song writing in general isnt as crushing as in their darkened shrines, but other then that I'd agree that they are in the top five american metal bands
Minion520 said:
yea nile is amazing, but their latest cd is a little sub par, just the song writing in general isnt as crushing as in their darkened shrines, but other then that I'd agree that they are in the top five american metal bands

Production on ITDS > AOTW imo. Thats what I have felt and it really takes away from their power on the new album. When I saw them live a few months back their sound is extremely TIGHT now and BRVTAL. The new drummer is just amazing and has a completely different style from Tony's. A real treat musically and visually to observe such a performer.