Opeth board members get-together


Jul 17, 2001
I'm not sure if this has been brought up before or not, but I just had a silly idea. Wouldn't it be neat if somehow a dozen or so of us forum members got together one day on a neutral territory and just hung out. I know this would be hard because we live all over the place, but we can have a European and an American get together. I don't know, it's just that we exercise so many of our opinions on this board that to a certain extent we really know each other. It would be kind of cool if we had a chance to meet in person.
Yes it would be VERY cool, I think the best idea would be meet at a centrally located state (for US tour) at an Opeth show! So a few of us Americans could go to the same Opeth show together. And then I don't know about you Europeans, but maybe go to the same show in Germany or some other central European country, whatever I'm not European :lol: . Wait until March so I can drive there! (None of my friends with cars like Opeth and I don't get license until March because I waited so damn long to get permit :mad: )
Nor would I, I would actually drive to New York or Pennsylvania to see Opeth alone, and if the forum people were there i'd definantely do it! I say New York or Pennsylvania because they sure as hell aren't going to play down here :lol:

EDIT: Chicago would be good also, I haven't been there since I was one year old (I was born there and moved, don't remember it). Just as long as it's not on the West Coast i'll drive there.
i met someone at an opeth show, and we found one another again through this board, and we are definately going to meet up again sometime!

:) its nice to see some love and unity in the metal world. i just read through the system of a down post...whew!
NY or PE would be better for me but Chigago isn't too far either.
Hehehe...Yeah the system of a down thread did get a bit nasty. And it was partially my fault.
i'm in rochester, new york. i'm not getting my license very soon. and then i have to work my ass off for a car too. wky don't despot drive to new york instead. but then you'll just meet a vietnamese guy. that would suck.
I'm sure there are members here who live in Toronto or the surrounding areas... It would certainly be nice to meet up with fellow Opeth Fans... It would be a great experience, not only musically, but also... (Can't find the right word) in an unmusical kind of way... Getting to know people and developing a friendship and so on...
Yeah the system of a down thread did get a bit nasty. And it was partially my fault.

hahha LOL where you the dude that put your phone number up?
was it really your number? i had to resticker all the porns at work the last time i worked, and there were these calling cards in some and i stole them (haha it kicks ass! playboy bunny calling cards! free! heheh) and i was like whoa. i could call this person, for the hell of it and totally freak them out! LOL.
be like, 'do you like scary opeth songs.......??"

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! i keep making stupid posts! hahaha
Originally posted by Evisceratrix

hahha LOL where you the dude that put your phone number up?
was it really your number? i had to resticker all the porns at work the last time i worked, and there were these calling cards in some and i stole them (haha it kicks ass! playboy bunny calling cards! free! heheh) and i was like whoa. i could call this person, for the hell of it and totally freak them out! LOL.
be like, 'do you like scary opeth songs.......??"

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! i keep making stupid posts! hahaha

you're crazy
i think i really am! its fucking hot in my house, like brutally hot, and ive been learning 'will the circle be unbroken' on guitar for a class......AHHHGGG!! playing a religious country song over and over yep-thatll do it to you!
suddenly I feel very alone...
the largest continent on earth, the largest population per continent. And just little old me to visit the Opeth Forum.
Originally posted by luke
suddenly I feel very alone...
the largest continent on earth, the largest population per continent. And just little old me to visit the Opeth Forum.

Good point. Where are all the Asians? I'm pretty sure there is an Israeli hanging around here somewhere. But it's mostly Scandinavians, Canadians, Australians and Americans, (with a few Brits). Odd.
will we go by our screen names or our real names? interesting...

i vote for PA or NY, by the way. :)

and luke, aren't you coming home in the next year or so? or am i wrong?