Opeth Brisbane gig - now only 18+

Battering Ram

New Metal Member
Oct 16, 2004
Hi All,

I just got a call from the Arena in Brisbane regarding the Opeth gig, I stupidly bought a under 18 ticket so they were calling everyone under the age of 18 to say that its now only 18+, I assume it has something to do with Alcohol because the lady said "yeah so now you can buy alcohol, just make sure you bring I.D at the entrance or we wont let you in". I guess this sucks for anyone under 18, but im 21 so doesn't bother me in the slightest.
They didn't fucking call me, they just refunded my ticket, along with the 2 tickets I bought for my friends as well, who are all over 18. This is bullshit.
They didn't fucking call me, they just refunded my ticket, along with the 2 tickets I bought for my friends as well, who are all over 18. This is bullshit.

That aint cool at all, I would be ringing up straight away to give it to them. Getting cancelled last minute is bad enough but just refunding your ticket with no explanation is even worse.
I am about to punch a hole in a wall...

i bought tickets as soon as they came out, opeth are my favourite band and ive been waiting for freaking ages to see them.

i get called ONE DAY before the ****ing gig and tell me that they decided not to allow underage people in, this is absolutely fucked
What the fuck. I have been waiting for fucking ever to see a band I love and one fucking day before the event I find out it's 18 plus. What the Fuck??? Argh.
they should of just made it 18+ in the first place instead of fucking us around and doing it last minute

If that had been the case it would have been shit but I would have dealt with it, but this makes me so fucking mad. It should have been 18+ from the start, rather then them dick us around for so long.
They haven't replied to my email I sent last night, and everytime I try to call the Tickitek call centre, it's engaged. When I attempt to call The Arena, it says they are unable to take my call.

Bull. Shit. No way am I not going to this because of THEIR fuck up. I have my ticket. I have my ID. I'm going.
They should do it like here, they mark your hand with a permanent marker and that way you are not able to buy alcohol, I'd be really pissed if that happened to me, sorry guys :(
How LAME. I feel so bad for anyone that missed out. That's pathetic. Giving people false hope like that and then spitting on their happiness. What about the ones who were flying up to see them? Whoever is responsible should be so ashamed. Not that they care anyway :mad: I dare say that if Opeth catch word of this early, they will attempt to compensate somehow. It wouldn't be easy to organise, though.
Fuck me

on opeths official myspace

" Brisbane - More Tickets Available!
Current mood: aroused

For the show on September 7th, in Brisbane, 100 more tickets have become available to those 18+. Grab them now! "

5 - 6 months of waiting for NOTHING