Opeth bus driver arrested for porn charges

Something dropped in the pit of my stomach when I read that... It sort of stains their name to have them listed on there in that manner... I hope we can get a statement from the band on this issue..
SHIT when they played in San Diego 2 years ago, I went to show early and I was hanging around. A dude came near me and said he was opeth's bus driver!! and we talked a bit..... I wonder if he's the same guy lol :D
atrocity said:
SHIT when they played in San Diego 2 years ago, I went to show early and I was hanging around. A dude came near me and said he was opeth's bus driver!! and we talked a bit..... I wonder if he's the same guy lol :D

Well is that the guy in the picture???
Oinkness said:
Something dropped in the pit of my stomach when I read that... It sort of stains their name to have them listed on there in that manner... I hope we can get a statement from the band on this issue..

I'm pretty sure no one is going to care next week. I don't see how this stains their name at all. It's a damn bus driver that no one even gives a shit about. He'll die someday and no one will bat an eye. Meh.
Oinkness said:
Something dropped in the pit of my stomach when I read that... It sort of stains their name to have them listed on there in that manner... I hope we can get a statement from the band on this issue..

What are they gonna do, take responsibility for it? I mean, the tour is finished, the band is back in Sweden right now. I really don't see how this affects them at all.
FRUGiHOYi said:
Well it just makes you wonder if they REALLY didn't know.

uh, REALLY didn't know that at some time in the future the guy would rape someone? God knows I love Opeth, but I think that might be expecting a bit much.
Sanzen said:
uh, REALLY didn't know that at some time in the future the guy would rape someone? God knows I love Opeth, but I think that might be expecting a bit much.
Lol, I mean that he was asdfasdfhgadfshgdf gnevermind you're right lol.