Opeth Concert Pics 5/10 Houston, TC


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2002
Just wanted to let you all know that the Metal Refuge has got the concert pics up from the Houston, TX show. She (Stacey) got some really good ones of the guys! They all look fantastic, very good looking guys! We will also have the interview up later on tonight after it is all transcribed. Stacey talked to Mikael. She said the interview was VERY cool (caught Mikael in the middle of making coffee LOL!), and that he is a super sweet guy. :) Just go to the link below and click on the obvious icon to see the pics. The link to the interview will be posted later.


Opeth is my MOST favorite band! I cannot tell you how much I love them. I only need Still Life and MAYH, then my collection will be complete. :)

Hi everyone. I'm Stacey, the photographer for the Refuge. I'm glad everyone liked my photos. I ended up in the balcony for fear of being crushed on the floor. LOL Some people were nice enough to let me squeeze in between them on the floor up there. Not quite as hot up there as the floor, but still hot nonetheless.
I am trying my hardest to finish up the interview. Had to take a break though. My recorder picked up a lot of the a/c on the bus, so I'm having to strain to make things out. I'm a little over halfway done. I have about 14 more questions and answers to transcribe. I hope to get it in to be posted on the site tonight. But if not, it will definitely be up tomorrow! I'm doing the best I can.

Great night, great bands, great music! I really enjoyed myself! :)
"Good to hear you enjoyed it as much as the rest of us"

I am sad to say I did not get to go to this concert. I did see them when they came to Ohio though not too long ago and I was totally amazed. Stacey is our TX affiliate and does a hell of a lot for the site. The reason it is taking so long is that it is 41 min. worth of interview. I just talked to her and she has it all transcribed by hand (in between cooking, cleaning, taking kids to softball, etc. LOL Oh, how very metal that sounds, right? heh heh...), and will have it all typed up later this evening around 9 or 10 EST, then I should have it up by 11pm hopefully. From what she says, she got a very good interview.

For the person who said you got pics too, I would LOVE to see them! Stacey got around 40-45 as well, but I just put up the ones that were the best or weren't redundant. If you need a place to host your pics let me know. I would love to help you share your pics of Opeth with fans all over the world. Or perhaps I can just put up a link to them if you have your own server space.

I just get so excited when talking about this band. And after seeing the pics of them, I was even more excited. I have never really seen too many good pics of them, so this was a real treat for me. (Not in a stalker groupie kind of way. ;) ) I just love their music.

Hi IS,

Well I did take some pics of Opeth too...Some are good some not so good!! Did you take a peek at them? IF not here is the link....


If you would like to use some let me know send me an e-mail to silent_cries@hotmail.com

Angela Longoria
"you are missin' out"

I know, I have just had a hard time finding them. I guess I will just have to order them. I hate ording online. LOL I like to go to the store and just GET IT!

Thank you SilentCries. I will definitely check out your picks. I am so tired right now, so later when I can keep my eyes open. Thank you!

O.k. the interview is up at the link above. I hope to god I didn't make any mistakes in putting it up. Remember, Stacey conducted the interview (Graendahl on here), I just put it on the page. If I screwed anything up so sorry, just let me or Stacey know. For now, I AM SPENT! {snickering} Stace did a good job. :) Hope you all enjoy.
