Opeth "Damnation" review @ DigitalMetal

Whether or not this review is overblown, it has just increased my yearning ten fold.
every time i hear it, i see the potential in a non-metal Opeth. i reviewed the album as not as metalhead, but as a music lover. i listened to lots of jazz, ethnic music and, yes, progressive rock. i even went through the entire catalog twice, just to make sure i had what i felt was right.

the frighteningly superior comment is the same feeling that i had when i first heard 'orchid.' i couldn't believe a band could do that, and again i can't believe opeth are doing 'damnation.' it makes perfect sense, but at the same time it doesn't. :)
That was one of the best reviews of any album i've ever read (and i haven't even heard damnation to check the review against). You painted a very vivid picture, one that wont leave my head until i get damnation in 2 months and formulate my own opinions. :)