Opeth Dublin Gig Last nite


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2003
warrenpoint- co.down
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What a gig
totally sold out (there were only 350 people there)
It was in whelans in wexford street and it was one of the most amazing bands i have ever seen (part from the thrax of course!)
tight as a twelve year old- oh my god
i managed to bag myself a pic and a drumstik and some crushed legs from the lack of a barrier at the front- sort it out whelans!
They stuck to the setlist that theyve been doin on the entire euro touur, it was their last nite and they seemed to really let it go
highpoints were Leper affinity, Harvest, Drapery Falls and Advent.

Support band was Madder Mortem, Scandanavian with a chik singer- I was told that the were crap but seeing them dispelled that myth- they rocked and one of their guitarists looks like the bride form the Monty Pythons Holy Grail!

All in all an excellent gig, the venue is fuck1n ace- ckeck it out if you can
apparantly the OPETH are coming back at the end of the year to tour their new album- i reccomend that anyone go to see them - fan or no fan

thank u for reading
Ireland fuck1n Rocks man!