Opeth Fans, Please Help Me Out!

old user1

New Metal Member
Nov 30, 2005
I bought Opeth's Still Life yesterday, and for the most part it's a great CD (I'm diggin' Moolapse Vertigo), but there seems to be a flaw with the pressing of the CD, and Serenity Painted Death seems to go quiet three or four seconds before the song ends. As you can imagine, this kinda disrupts the flow and continuity of the CD, which is otherwise really great.

What i was wondering was, would anyone on these forums happen to have an undamaged copy of the audio file that they would be able to send me? I want to make it clear that I am not trying to rip off Opeth or anyone else, I just want to have the album in it's entirety.

I can be contacted vie e-mail at rorix_bladething@hotmail.com, we can also chat on MSN using the same e-mail.
Your help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanx to all
Really? it ends really suddenly, and there's, like, three seconds of silince... is it just a mixing error?
Okay, well thanx for the help everyone. I still seems a little odd to me that it ends like that or w/e, but oh well.

thanx again
It might be an error. I know Mikael has talked about errors in the production of his CDs, such as the tracks on Orchid. I don't know if this is another example or not, though.
By the way.... i hope someone could help me, i have a "fake" copy of Still Life, i mean... a copy because here in méxico it0's just impossible to find that album as an original and i don't have a credit card to order it online... so...

can someone send me via real mail an original copy of "still life" i don't want anything for free, ill pay you, just let me know how can i make it to send you the amount it costs including the shipping, i'd pay for it because i realy want that album in original!! or maybe i could buy you another record you want and send it over to you or something... please help me, i'm not asking for free stuff. I'd really appreciate it