Opeth font sort of


Aug 29, 2005
I seperated the letters of Opeth's logo into seperate pictures, then loaded them each into a font program, adjusted all the size/bearing/etc settings and got them to look as close as they could to the actual logo when you type them. The only letters in the font are of course O-p-e-t-h, and nothing else. Hopefully this will be of some use to people. It's a truetype font, should work on both Windows and Mac.


and if that link for whatever reason doesn't work, or stops working


P.S. this works best at font sizes above 100
the font fraktur is really close to the normal style lettering, and as for the o


the O in that font family is very similar...


thats fraktur...

but you can just cut out the O...that way itd be right on it :p

if you want to be exact, since there are quite a bit of fonts in the fraktur family...Linotype Luthersche Fraktur is the one that fits the opeth logo.

id upload fraktur, but doing so would be problematic.

anyways, those are the closest font so far (that i could find) to the opeth logo...i wouldnt be surprised if someone eventually made it...it seems to be a pretty sought after thing.
The Ruritania font is great - it's just a pity it doesn't come with the swedish letters ÅÄÖ !
Here's an example:

you may also want to check out "rauritania" if you want to write other stuff in something that looks similar, and "aquiline two" for the still life writing.