Opeth font!

Man, I've been hunting for that font for ages!! If someone does have it can the email it to me aswell?

Whilst on the subject of fonts, does anyone know what font the logo is written in (if it is a font that is)?
Originally posted by Graveless Soul

I may be able to help you with that. You'll receive something soon...

Could you please spot me that font.....or the hi-res image, whichever you have. Puhlease........:grin:

Opeth font would be SOOOO cool.
Graveless Soul said:
Man, I've been hunting for that font for ages!! If someone does have it can the email it to me aswell?

Whilst on the subject of fonts, does anyone know what font the logo is written in (if it is a font that is)?

CHeck opeth.com, it says it was hand drawn.