Opeth Forum

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hm I think it was taken offline 'cuz of discussions about how to get hold of Ghost Reveries before release... But I'm not sure..
It's been closed (apparently until after Ghost Reveries is *legally* released) because of the leaks. Theoretically it'll be back up after that.

You can still get to it if you type in the direct link, and you can read the threads there, but you can't reply to any of them.
NeverIsForever said:
It's been closed (apparently until after Ghost Reveries is *legally* released) because of the leaks. Theoretically it'll be back up after that.

You can still get to it if you type in the direct link, and you can read the threads there, but you can't reply to any of them.

Shit, and here I am starting a thread about my review of the new Opeth. No wonder why it was deleted. Perhaps I really am a selfish asshole :erk:
I'm really sorry about that Jesse.
I do. Miss it, that is. Everyone says it was so bad...I honestly don't see what the problem was. Maybe because I never took the stupid jokes and insults seriously (or maybe I was part of the problem.) I think the issue is that between albums, the forum sort of ran out of things to talk about. All the threads that actually stayed on topic were either n00bs like me asking questions that had been asked a million times before or people who'd been there a while bitching about n00bs like me asking questions that had been asked a million times before. A "search" function would have exponentially improved the forum quality IMO.

It was (on occasion) a pretty fun forum to troll, though :D I look forward to its return...
meh, only if you take him seriously. or you can just realize that anything authored by him is going to be shit, in which case he won't disappoint you ;)
Ever been to the Cradle Of Filth forums? Filled with elitist, anti-semitic, white-power fools who only reply with sarcasm and aggression.
One of the aforementioned White-Power/Jew-Haters is a gun loving obese skinheads working as software developers who are couldn't get into the army because of his weight problem.
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