Opeth gets massive 12 page spread in the new issue of Close-Up Magazine


What do you get if you've released praised, progressive death metal through the same band since 1995?
You get mail that wishes you'll get cancer.
- There's a fine line between hate and love, says OPETHs front man Mikael Åkerfeldt before the watershed "Watershed".


i came
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I translated the first paragraph on the bus to the office. There were a few words that I don't know how to translate (within quotation marks). Any help with those would be appreciated.


Since 2006, this is the county's most death-metal-financed house. A two-story building, built in the seventies, in "brunteglad" functionality style. The hallway has recently been renovated, a lot of new wallpapers have been put up and a "bergvärmepump" has been installed to lower the cost of heating.

There is a home studio in one of the rooms, with black OPETH-sheets protecting the mixerboard and the keyboard. On the upper floor towers the, in Close-Up cirquits, famous vinyl collection.

This is the residence of thirtyfour year old Mikael Åkerfeldt. Here in the same suburb of Stockholm that he grew up in, the singer and guitarr player lives with his wife Anna and the daughters Melinda and Mirjam, three half a year old. The kitchen still has the original setup. Deep green, long, rectangular tiles under veneer cupboard doors. Almost immensly out of date.

- When our mothers came here, they said it looked spacious and good 'and the tiles you can just replace'. But this is exactly the way we want it, he explains.

Home at Mikael Åkerfeldts this is one of the details that make me happy. Another is that he wears brown checkered felt slippers. The kind that are drawn on Donald Duck when he's supposed to radiate homeliness. Progg-slippers if you wish. The third is that he has a recreation room. It's an old-school recreation room with an open fireplace, sofa and armchairs in dark brown leather and framed ads for BLACK SABBATHs 'Master of Reality' and THIN LIZZYs 'Shades of a blue orphanage'.

Mikael Åkerfeldt lives like an OPETH-fan would want Mikael Åkerfeldt to live. Nerdy, cozy and "murrigt", a little out dated, but pretty. In addition to that, in a house, which he in Close-Up #76 described as a dream that didn't fit in with him. 'Now that I have a family and a daughter, it feels right to invest in a house. Athough it also feels like an impossibility because I'm a loser, I can't keep track on those kind of things. For me to own a house can't be done. It's an impossibility', he said back then.

- Look at me now! he laughs. I've become one of those winners. No, I do remember saying that, and this was actually an unfathomable thing. For me to own a house. For me to have kids. But now I'm here. Now it feels obvious/natural, of course, but I've changed a lot. The bigger part of my adult life has been a mess. Of nothing. Only some kind of hope. I've never had any confidence in myself that way, that I could become a real citizen.


EDIT: This took me almost an hour... And it's only the first paragraph of 14 of the main interview (or 24 if you include all the reviews and extra stuff)... So this will take quite a while if I'm the only one doing the translation...
Stilgar, thank you. Time out of your busy schedule is appreciated. Kids and naked berzerkness is quite tiring, i'm sure. Looking forward to the rest!
why dont someone just get a translator off the computer and type all the shit in and click translate? who ever has the mag
So what's the status on this little translation project? :p
Anyway, thanks Stilgar for the effort so far!

I'll see if I can get some more done soon. We have a feature freeze coming up at work, so we need to work quite hard to get what we want in the product before the freeze. And on top of that my mom came to visit us, so there has been absolutely no spare time at all for me the last week or so.

But as I said before, I'll need help translating unless you want it to take me months or even years. :p
Only things I can say in Swedish are "hello on you" (hej på dig) and "the eternal journey". And Southern-Forest. And "murder in the cave". And "We're sitting here in Ventrilo playing some DotA. We push on and we're owning, with the opponents we're toying. We're sitting here in Ventrilo playing some DotA. Running around creeping, the opponents we're sleeping." Otherwise i'd help.
I'll see if I can get some more done soon. We have a feature freeze coming up at work, so we need to work quite hard to get what we want in the product before the freeze. And on top of that my mom came to visit us, so there has been absolutely no spare time at all for me the last week or so.

But as I said before, I'll need help translating unless you want it to take me months or even years. :p

Sigh... My Swedish is pretty good, so I could translate some pages, but I don't have the magazine, and it cannot be bought here. I want to help, but then I will need some scans, or pictures, or whatever :)
I could take on a few pages if I was PM:ed some scans. I can't read those posted, too small. Just finished uni so I'll have some spare time.
Nine years ago OPETH released their fourth album "Still Life". Back then Mikael Åkerfeldt believed that he had reached the top as a private person.
- Back then I lived in a 23 square meter studio apartment, rented second hand, illegally. I had a girlfriend, who is my wife now. I had a band and everything beyond that I considered some kind of bonus. I wasn't part of the society or the system. I wouldn't be able to have a contract on an apartment, because I didn't see a future. I've always believed I'd continue with music, but I've never foreseen any economical possibilities through it. That I wouldn't be able to support myself through music.

After eight studio albums it's a fact. Mikael Åkerfeldt, the guitar player Fredrik Åkesson (KRUX, ex-ARCH ENEMY), the bass player Martin Mendez, the keyboard player Per Wiberg (SPIRITUAL BEGGARS) and the drummer Martin Axenroth (WITCHERY, BLOODBATH, ex-NIEFELHEIM, SATANIC SLAUGHTER) are full time musicians.

- This band is an organization now. One of few. IN FLAMES always has had control of everything, they had an accountant before we even knew how to spell it. Now we have one as well. We have a lot of companies and everything is legal. We do taxes. That's what enables us to take out a loan to buy a house. We do have loans. It's not like I'm rich. So it didn't take that much. Everything was just in my head. The ignorance, the disbelief in myself. I've always had a strong ego when it comes to music, but when it comes to me as a private person, I've always thought of myself as meaningless. That I would never accomplish anything. But it was good to take care of it and that it works. It feels good to be part of society. I really didn't believe I'd think so.

He means that he's had bad self-confidence without really knowing it.
- I partly still do. If I have to call a company or the tax department or something, I'd rather Anna does it. "I can't talk with them." I say. I feel a bit stupid quite simply. My brain is so stuffed with music and culture. I'm not totally anti-social or something, on the contrary, but I feel very ignorant when it comes to the things you have to deal with as a citizen. When it comes to music I can have an opinion about most things, but otherwise, I'm still a loser.