KielbasaSausage YARRRRG Jan 12, 2002 4,313 18 38 Scurvy Cove of Redondo Visit site May 8, 2002 #21 The Night and the Silent Water, starts at 3:30, i love those 2 acoustics playing with eachother, they compliment eachother so well.
The Night and the Silent Water, starts at 3:30, i love those 2 acoustics playing with eachother, they compliment eachother so well.
Lakestream Member May 1, 2001 1,621 2 38 43 Uppsala, Sweden Visit site May 8, 2002 #22 that wonderful riff in When (the one that plays during "Too find my waaaaay back hoooooome)
Rusty A-HAHAHA! Sep 14, 2001 16,352 174 63 40 Nottingham May 8, 2002 #23 If I had to pick ONE, it would be in Advent under "It was all true..." That riff is sooooooooo good. Also up there is the outro to Karma, cos it's damn aggressive, and fast tempoed, and aggressive, mmmm....
If I had to pick ONE, it would be in Advent under "It was all true..." That riff is sooooooooo good. Also up there is the outro to Karma, cos it's damn aggressive, and fast tempoed, and aggressive, mmmm....