Opeth in Israel: Show cancelled

Whoever think Opeth canceled because "Israel are killing people" is seriously fucked up.
What band would get the hopes of thousands of their fans and then shatter it - just to make a political statement ??? - you people are not thinking clearly saying that.
Opeth would not do that to their fans.
I believe they had problems getting their gear here, but the producer should have thought about it long before he announced about the concert.
i hope they schedule a new show ASAP,
Israel loves Opeth.
i guess opeth just called a jihad on you all

You should seriously consider shutting the fuck up.

_ _ _

Just lock this thread or something..
If anyone want to understand what is really going on here (from a neutral political-position) you can pm me, i'll be glad to talk about it :)

No dude, there is a better way. They should come and live here. Maybe then they'll understand.
i guess opeth just called a jihad on you all


Looks like this forum has reached an all-time low. Half the posts in this thread sicken me! What's the reasoning behind the negative posts here? The bottom line is that there is disappointment that Opeth cancelled their show(s) in Isreal, because of gear problems. Whatever the reason, I'm sure it was a good reason. But pea-brained morons talking about calling jihads and fellow Opeth fans puking their shit on others about "people killing" is totally unacceptable. I wish more of you idiots would think before saying anything.


Looks like this forum has reached an all-time low. Half the posts in this thread sicken me! What's the reasoning behind the negative posts here? The bottom line is that there is disappointment that Opeth cancelled their show(s) in Isreal, because of gear problems. Whatever the reason, I'm sure it was a good reason. But pea-brained morons talking about calling jihads and fellow Opeth fans puking their shit on others about "people killing" is totally unacceptable. I wish more of you idiots would think before saying anything.


On a personal note, I think the band really should do its best to make arrange a compensation show as soon as it's possible for them and they have the time. I find it utterly disappointing that they had to cancel two shows in less than a year (hell, less than eight months!). They can't keep disappoint such large an audience time and time again. I truly hope that their hopes to come later this year will not turn out to be futile and they will actually find the time, even at the end of a tour or in between tours, to come here. Their Israeli fans deserve it and they know how loving and good they are.

Here's to hoping :kickass:
Of course not just killing people, they're also destroying pretty much everything on their path - homes, schools, hospitals, TOWNS go "Rubble Rubble"!!

Aww, I'm sorry for those missiles HAMAS is launching across the border. I mourn the loss of tens of thousands of Israeli babies killed by each of those rockets!

I didn't say you fans didn't "deserve" an Opeth show anyway, how'd you come to such a conclusion? If your country wasn't about firing cannons from heavy battlecruisers at civilian families sunbathing at beaches and killing them, I think Opeth would have a better chance to show up there. Because I tend to think the opposing sides don't like that kind of stuff and answer back, thus battles start, and Mike can't get his shit into the country. Bad luck, buddy! Tayyip Erdougan sends his condolences.

In case you didn't notice, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they have no "god", they are barbarians, they are using their!!! kids!!! and hiding in their children schools!! their hospitals!!they want you! to think that they are the victims, they put their children in front of them! they are using them for human shields! now try to tell us, Israeli civilians to STFU and not to respond when someone is trying to kill you sons and to destroy you home! even if there are some sad lost like children (which in case sons of terrorist who will grow up some day to be like their fathers!!!). If you are choosing to support the terrorist and not Israel then you are a terrorist not less then HAMAS!

About the show, i am deeply disappointed. twice in a year your show is canceled... come to Israel as soon as you can.
In case you didn't notice, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they have no "god", they are barbarians, they are using their!!! kids!!! and hiding in their children schools!! their hospitals!!they want you! to think that they are the victims, they put their children in front of them! they are using them for human shields! now try to tell us, Israeli civilians to STFU and not to respond when someone is trying to kill you sons and to destroy you home! even if there are some sad lost like children (which in case sons of terrorist who will grow up some day to be like their fathers!!!). If you are choosing to support the terrorist and not Israel then you are a terrorist not less then HAMAS!

About the show, i am deeply disappointed. twice in a year your show is canceled... come to Israel as soon as you can.
You remember what YOU (people of Israel) did when u entered those lands by force? it was the same ! so who started ? you ! so the palestinian reaction is considered normal i think, you get over the lines of my property so i defend myself !
This is endless... I can give you all a nice history lesson about Israel but I won't cuz its usless when no one listens to you.

This will be my last reaction on this thread. I'll just say this: There will be no peace, the war will last untill one or both sides will be destroyed. I gave up on this bullshit called "peace" for a long time now.
In case you didn't notice, Hamas is a terrorist organization, they have no "god", they are barbarians, they are using their!!! kids!!! and hiding in their children schools!! their hospitals!!they want you! to think that they are the victims, they put their children in front of them! they are using them for human shields! now try to tell us, Israeli civilians to STFU and not to respond when someone is trying to kill you sons and to destroy you home! even if there are some sad lost like children (which in case sons of terrorist who will grow up some day to be like their fathers!!!). If you are choosing to support the terrorist and not Israel then you are a terrorist not less then HAMAS!

About the show, i am deeply disappointed. twice in a year your show is canceled... come to Israel as soon as you can.

Friend, I know that terrorism concept very well also - one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. It has always been like so, both sides have arguments of their own. In such a situation (ETA in Spain, PKK in Turkey, HAMAS in Israel/Palestine etc) both sides kill each other, using those arguments as justification. Sadly, never it has been the case that one side is indeed right and is talking facts - the only facts are the number of people being killed. And it's a fact that HAMAS, by firing those missiles, hasn't caused any civilian casualties.

Make no mistake, they ARE a terrorist organisation but because they fired some rockets to your side of the border without killing anyone doesn't mean you are justified in raiding civilian towns and killing at least a thousand civilian innocents. This is just out of proportion.

And I never said you didn't deserve an Opeth show or something. You are just civilians and not statesmen, you have nothing to do with this. I merely pointed to the fact that the war is the reason Opeth cancels the show there (either because they can't get their gear in or just because they are afraid).
This is endless... I can give you all a nice history lesson about Israel but I won't cuz its usless when no one listens to you.

This will be my last reaction on this thread. I'll just say this: There will be no peace, the war will last untill one or both sides will be destroyed. I gave up on this bullshit called "peace" for a long time now.

explain to me plz. PM if u want. :)
You remember what YOU (people of Israel) did when u entered those lands by force? it was the same ! so who started ? you ! so the palestinian reaction is considered normal i think, you get over the lines of my property so i defend myself !

Actually, it was the surrounding Arab countries that attacked Israel first in 1948. So it wasn't Israel who started. Of course, I'm all for Israel completely giving back Gaza, West-bank and the Golan Heights and other territories it unrightfully keeps to this day since then! But to say Israel started is wrong. I have no problem with Jewish people, but I strongly disagree with the state of Israel (as a political entity) keeping territories occupied that do not belong to its original borders of 1948.

Make no mistake, they ARE a terrorist organisation but because they fired some rockets to your side of the border without killing anyone doesn't mean you are justified in raiding civilian towns and killing at least a thousand civilian innocents. This is just out of proportion.

QFT. If it weren't for the U.S. drawing their Veto-card time and again whenever the subject arises in the UN, Israel would long have been put to justice of some form...
I want to say something to all of the brothers here
Israel is the only country in the world for Jewish people
we were in Europe and what happened? yes, the Holocaust!
they wanted to vanish the Jewish people!
we survived and we formed our county the only place in the world where jewish can live and to be acceptable!!
their are millions of new-Nazis in the world, and we safe only here!
it is our right, to defend our land, our country, the only place for us!!
even if that means killing terror or their families (which you all so protect).
we have no problem to accept arabs people and to live with them in peace!
but they dont want to, they are like the Nazis they want to vanish us and to live in OUR land!
so you all cannot tell us to go somewhere else because we don't have somewhere else,
you all cannot tell us not to protect ourselves because we'll vanish...
DON'T JUDGE US UNTIL YOU WERE INSTEAD OF US!! try to live one day just one day in fear
every hour there is an alarm! 15 seconds until a missile is destroying your home and take life of your kids