Opeth joke.


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Oct 14, 2001
More or less a joke, anyway. I was talking with Ben, who posts occasionally on this board as Morningrise. I edited the screen names, in case you were wondering.

Me: You heard the new Opeth song that's going on a limited edition 7" split with Katatonia?
Me: The End is releasing it. Limited to 500 copies, and the first 100 are signed by every member of each band.
Me: That's what Andreas told me anyway, when I was talking with him.
Enigma: no i havn't
opethblack: Yeah man, it's good shit.
Enigma: damn, sounds pretty cool
Me: The best song I've heard from them in a long time.
Me: It's almost Morningrise-ish.
Enigma: you heard the song?
Enigma: damn
Enigma: what's it like?
Enigma: i gotta hear, send it
Me: I told Andreas I wouldn't.
Me: But he said some other people have been passing it around, figured you might have heard it.
Me: It's got more melodic twin leads, and it's long as hell.
Me: Lots of clean vocals, some harmonies - more than any other song.
Me: Yeah, it's their longest song yet.
Me: I just looked at the mp3.
Me: About 26 minutes, a little bit short.
Enigma: holy shit!
Enigma: dude
Enigma: are you kidding me?
Enigma: you have to be kidding me
Enigma: cause this is like opeth dream
Enigma: hahaha
Me: Yeah, I'm joking :)
Enigma: you fucking kidding me
Me: Hahahahaha.
Enigma: oh my god, you fucking ass