Opeth live set list.


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Man! I've got to be sure to catch these guys live more often! They really shouldn't have any open act and play throughout the entire show, with maybe some sort of intermission, that way they can play MORE of their great songs.

I can't remember the EXACT order but, they opened with:

"Master's Apprentices"
"The Drapery Falls"
"The Moor"
"April Ethereal"
"In My Time Of Need"
"Blackwater Park"

...and of course they did an encore of "Demon Of The Fall"
Evidently, Mikael Akerfeldt had previously mentioned in an interview that he has grown weary of Opeth's earlier material from "Morningrise" and "Orchid," hence the albums' complete absence of coverage. It certainly is a shame, albeit that I still consider "Morningrise" their best effort, and some of the tracks on that masterpiece record are timeless. It IS indeed their decision, and all power to them, but I can only hope that they'll include them in the setlist on a later tour...
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Evidently, Mikael Akerfeldt had previously mentioned in an interview that he has grown weary of Opeth's earlier material from "Morningrise" and "Orchid," hence the albums' complete absence of coverage. It certainly is a shame, albeit that I still consider "Morningrise" their best effort, and some of the tracks on that masterpiece record are timeless. It IS indeed their decision, and all power to them, but I can only hope that they'll include them in the setlist on a later tour...
I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I think the post-Morningrise material is MUCH better. The songs just seem to be put together better.

Quote of the night:

Audience member (after Opeth played two 'Damnation' songs): FUCK THE SOFT STUFF!

Mikael: Don't talk shit to us, because we'll talk shit back to you. Only we'll do it in Swedish and you won't understand what we're saying.:tickled:
Well I've come to realize that my opinion in regards to Opeth's career is definitely in the minority. The majority of fans don't seem to have any qualms with their decision to exclude the earlier material, however, one can't be ignorant to the fact there WAS in fact an Opeth before "My Arms, Your Hearse." It's a significant part of Opeth's past-repertoire, regardless of whether people appreciate it or not, therefore it deserves to be played at an OPETH show. Still, this is merely one man's opinion.
Edgecrusher said:
They really shouldn't have any open act and play throughout the entire show, with maybe some sort of intermission, that way they can play MORE of their great songs.
I've seen them play that way when I saw the "warmup" show to the dvd show they did in Stockholm. Same setlists as on the dvd, first the whole Damnation cd and a second show with the heavier ones from Blackwater and Deliverance.
If I could have them play a setlist of 9, it'd be(in no particular order)
In The Mist She Was Standing
Forest of October
Black Rose Immortal
April Ethereal
The Amen Corner
April Ethereal