opeth lost, death won

Sep 2, 2001
but doesn't matter cuz metal-rules.com suck. death should win cuz of chuck death and people vote for them.
That's unfortunate, I suppose. I believe people shouldn't have voted for Death simply because Chuck died although that was a huge tragedy. I don't really care about this though because it's just some online contest that doesn't matter either way. ;)
that Death won.

Please stop the proliferation of these goddman stupid threads about some idiotic vote.
It's a sin :cry:

Personally, I never really saw the comparison, but whatever. We will continue to hold Opeth close to our hearts, and the hell with the rest of the world.

And by the way, Death is a good band, so no real harm in losing in a lame internet poll skewed by Chucks death.
That would never have happened BECAUSE of the "mainstream" people (yet they're not really mainstream cos I think mainstream is defined by Backstreet Boys etc.)
Originally posted by terrymx
death should win cuz of chuck death and people vote for them.

hmn, i really do hate it when things like this happen. for me it cheapens someones life and it annoys me. Chuck was great dont think im not saying that. BUT (lets take Lenin for example) when someone dies a lot of people give them awards and false praise just because of their daeth. i dont think its right to do something just because they are dead, when they might not deserve it, i think this voting thing is a lot different though and yeah i'll vote for death. its just it really cheapens their life if they get recognition, which they otherwise might not have got. anyway im over reacting and dont take this too seriously i suppose, and now im talking shit so bla. :rolleyes: :)
hmn, i really do hate it when things like this happen. for me it cheapens someones life and it annoys me. Chuck was great dont think im not saying that. BUT (lets take Lenin for example) when someone dies a lot of people give them awards and false praise just because of their daeth. i dont think its right to do something just because they are dead, when they might not deserve it, i think this voting thing is a lot different though and yeah i'll vote for death. its just it really cheapens their life if they get recognition, which they otherwise might not have got. anyway im over reacting and dont take this too seriously i suppose, and now im talking shit so bla.

Death was winning and beating Opeth at times ( or at least damn close ) before chuck's knew i thought you would knew better. And yes you are talking shit but justified shit, but i just can say you that a point was defecated too because well i dont care people saying that he proved in life that Death was an asome band and he winned awards and praise in life, and i recognized his success while he was alive so i do not feel even a bit guilty. And the poll was so close from day one he could had win anyway if he was here to see it so is not like Death wins THIS particular poll cause he died the next ones could not be as objective however.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
…no real harm in losing in a lame internet poll skewed by Chuck's death.

If the poll--at this point--is anything to be considered, its results were appropriated by Schuldiner's death. As it were, the poll was skewed by this board.
....Did it ever occur to you all that maybe people actually liked Death and Chuck's music??

I guess not.

Originally posted by terrymx
but doesn't matter cuz metal-rules.com suck. death should win cuz of chuck death and people vote for them.

Death won because they're much better and significantly more influential. Opeth was only in the running at all because of votes from this board.
Doubt it. After all there only 50 people who post here regularly... and not all of them voted for Opeth, or bothered to vote @ all like meself.

I believe the final vote count was in the thous, so I can't see the veracity of your claim.
Maybe the people from Death forum got their first sunshine.

Anyway, useless poll. Comes down to taste, which is subjective and worthless arguing about.