Opeth News

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
From the band's official site:

"OPETH will be entering Fashination Street Studios (in Stockholm, Sweden) on March 15 to record their 8th yet untitled opus. The band are currently in rehearsal mode, which is a rare occasion having recorded the last four records without rehearsing. The recording will be overseen by the uprising recording mogul Jens Bogren. As of today no names for production duties have surfaced and it looks like the next record will be a band produced effort. Nothing has been decided regarding who's taking care of the mix either so we'll have to keep you wondering. Opeth and their management have spent the last month meeting the five top label candidates for the next Opeth recording contract. The names are still secret but a decision will be made very soon and obviously announced here earlier than anywhere else. Several Summer festival appearances have been confirmed and will be posted here soon. A Summer tour of the US has also been confirmed and will be posted here soon as well. The matters are still very "hush, hush" so we can't say anything more at this point. What can be said is that the band will make a few low-profile apperances prior to the next release and several full blown headline tours all over the world after the release. Take your rest now!"
Summer tour of the U.S.? Wow, I wasn't expecting that until late this year or 2006 at the earliest. Sweet.

I have a feeling that the band is closer together than ever before, and I truly believe you will see that reflected on the new release, which promises to be the heaviest slab of music yet from Opeth.
I'm not a huge fan of their latest efforts, but I still consider their first four to be master pieces, so I'm curious about which direction they'll take now, because that's where Opeth's most progressive; in how they've evolved as a band over the years. Someone on the Opeth forum said it'll be the band's most "black metalish" effort this far, so it could be interesting (there's a lot of idiots on the Opeth forum, though). And I've always enjoyed seeing 'em live, even though they're not a fantastic live band.
Good news. If they already have summer tour plans, then the new album should be out around April/May one should think. Sooner than I expected it and I think it should be excellent as Mike has talked about throwing in some new influences such as the occult black metal stuff mentioned.
There is a mini-interview in the news section of the next Zero Tolerance issue that I did with Mike. He talks a lot about the new direction :) I'm not allowed to say what he said tho as it's against my writer's contract. :yell: Go buy it instead :Smug:
Crimson Velvet said:
Someone on the Opeth forum said it'll be the band's most "black metalish" effort this far, so it could be interesting (there's a lot of idiots on the Opeth forum, though).

Never say never, but I highly, HIGHLY doubt you will see an album that is their most "black metalish" by way of vocals. Atmoshpere? Now, that's another story. I expect an atmospheric, aggressive album utilizing the same growling style displayed since My Arms, Your Hearse. I'm definitely stoked to hear it as I do not believe you will hear the same style displayed on the last 4 releases excluding Damnation of course. If it is indeed a fresh vibe from Opeth, expect something really special.
Opeth17 said:
Good news. If they already have summer tour plans, then the new album should be out around April/May one should think.
Recorded, mixed, and released within two months of entering the studio, and they don't even have a label right now? Extremely wishful thinking. :dopey:

Deliverance and Damnation have been the only Opeth I've listened to over the past year, so I'm stoked for this next one. Great live band, if they play somewhere besides LA I'll go see them.
Yeah... I burned myself out on everything besides Orchid so much that I cannot stand to listen to their other releases for more than about 3 minutes. But needless to say, I'm a huge Opeth fanboy... even if I don't listen to them hardly at all. I have high expectations for this album, I hope Mike and the boys don't pull another Blackwater Park/Deliverance out of their ass.
I haven't listened to them in months. But upon hearing the news, a pure tingling feeling of fanboyism passed through me. I'm giddy...pass the surfboard and call me gidget.
fucking good news! Wilson isn't confirmed to produce or even touch the album, Mike's in for the bloodbath gig at wacken, and they're touring in the summer!!
Crimson Velvet said:
Someone on the Opeth forum said it'll be the band's most "black metalish" effort this far, so it could be interesting

Was it anyone with any authority on the subject? I mean, if I said that the next release will be electronica-Tolkien based, will my information be just as worthy? :tickled:

Russell said:
There is a mini-interview in the news section of the next Zero Tolerance issue that I did with Mike. He talks a lot about the new direction :) I'm not allowed to say what he said tho as it's against my writer's contract.

Don't be gay. I'm sure there are some hints you can drop. Alternatively, just PM me with the info, then I'll come back into this thread having pretended to have bought the magazine. :cool:
JayKeeley said:
Don't be gay. I'm sure there are some hints you can drop. Alternatively, just PM me with the info, then I'll come back into this thread having pretended to have bought the magazine. :cool:

Yeah, that sentence was pretty fucking gay, I admit :) Anywho, once the magazine is out I'm sure someone who has bought it can post it all on here :wave:

You may want to start getting excited around September, rather than April/May however ;)
yeah akerfeldt was hyping that black metal/uberheavy thing back on the damnation tour. I thought it was just appease all the angry drunks who got tricked into a nonmetal concert and were very angry about that.
They didn't put older songs on Lamentations because it would cost the band to use the songs from a different label.
I think the comments about the new album having a black metal feel came from the documentary on Lamentations. That was a long fucking time ago, who knows what they're feeling now.
Yeah it was all label politics with the DVD. I've never seen it, I just know a ton of people bitched because the old material wasn't present. But that's not important right now.

new Opeth > old Opeth
I like all Opeth nearly equally, meaning I think Morningrise is overrated and the last 3 are underrated, although Blackwater Park isn't quite as strong as D&D.

I've got an audio copy of the Lamentations DVD that I listen to quite a bit. Good stuff--granted some old songs would be welcome.