

May 3, 2003
Ah, i don't know if this has been discussed before. But anyways - once upon a time was listening to Orchid, and the fact that a lot of the guitar riffs were harmonized seemed very [somehow] reminscent of orchestral music. I just imagined how beautiful it could sound if it was played just with strings...anyone else thought about this?

Just a thought. For all I know it might sound crap, but you never know.
If done well, I think it could really work... but the chances of it being done well are pretty slim, I think. Also think about all the money that would have to be spent... then the band would have to re-learn all the old material, the whole studio orchestra would have to be hired... not to mention Mikael would have to write the parts for each instrument and shit.. it just wouldn't work, haha.
I cannot see this happening anytime in the near future; with Damnation only being recently released, I don't that the next couple albums will be as "extreme" as Damnation. (By extreme, I mean different.) They should be more true to Opeth and their "normal" style. Or one can hope anyway :Smug:

But I think I'd enjoy an album like that, eventually :)
Can't see it working too well with Opeth but I'd be open minded about listening to it.... whereas, I cannot see it working AT ALL with Tool. Cannot fathom how anyone can think it would work with Tool.

Aenema with strings? Stinkfist with trumpets? Schism with woodwinds?

What the fuck?

And what the fuck would they need a percussion section, Danny Carey has that battery under control all by himself.
I say nay.

Ther songs are very "big" as they are, and it would all probably drip over if an orchestra bumped in and enlarged the pieces to the size of a roman empire. They sound best performed by a band.

But I would definately give it a chance.
Lunatic_Fringe said:
There are small orchestras(10-15 members) that would probly work great for this kind of thing.. Just adding in certain instrument parts and stuff... Would be interesting if they dont get out of hand with it...

Yeah It would be alright If it were done well in only certain parts. If it accompined the entire song, then I dont think It would sound to good.
Oops, i almost forgot to reply to this thread.
i was mostly thinking of a string orchestra, rather than a full-blown hardcore brass+woodwind+percussion type thing. i know it wont happen for a long time, if they ever do, but i've always dreamed of In the Mist She was Standing with the violins and cellos going crazy. the result would definitely be pretty powerful.