Opeth professional Tabs


New Metal Member
Aug 20, 2002
Chicago, IL
Does anyone know if there are any Opeth tabs done professionally? Most of the stuff I find online is full of mistakes. I did find an excerpt from Leper Affinity in a book on Amazon.com:


Does anyone have this book? If so, is the rest of the song in there? I did ask Mikael if they could tab out a song and he said he'd think about it. Haven't seen anything yet.

I wonder if it'd be possible to get the label to release an official book done by pros who know what they're doing. Anyone know how to lobby the label to get this done?
i would really appreciate it if one of the guys could tab a song or get the record label to bring out some sort of tab book.The one's that are around now are pretty close, but not all the way...(no offense to the tabbers because i sertently couldnt do it better myself)
Well, Id say it's almost cooler to play a song a little bit differently than the band, because it makes your version unique, instead of a really bad version of the original song.
I'd rather hear a personal interpretation of a piece instead of a poor clone. That said, and though I couldn't do better, some tabs are just so blatantly wrong..

I suppose Powertab couldn't come out with an osX version...

time to go:Smokin:
Duvall said:
I'd rather hear a personal interpretation of a piece instead of a poor clone. That said, and though I couldn't do better, some tabs are just so blatantly wrong..

I suppose Powertab couldn't come out with an osX version...

time to go:Smokin:

does PowerTab translate .wav into tab? I mean is it an intelligent program that actually turns audio into tabs?
No, doing that is near-impossible. Programs that attempt to, fail miserably. As far as I know there are no official Opeth tab books as of yet. But thanks for bringing it up, if I get a chance to speak with the guys after the gig here in a month, ill be sure to ask if that's a prospect.
Moonlapse said:
No, doing that is near-impossible. Programs that attempt to, fail miserably. As far as I know there are no official Opeth tab books as of yet. But thanks for bringing it up, if I get a chance to speak with the guys after the gig here in a month, ill be sure to ask if that's a prospect.

Yeah, that'd be great man. I spoke with Mikael in Chicago last year and bugged him about it...but I asked him if the band could do the tabs. Like I said, he didn't seem too thrilled about the idea. So maybe you can suggest to them that they talk to someone at the label about tabbing an album. I'd like Blackwater Park. And in my opinion, most tabs on the net are pretty poor...especially when it comes to getting the chords right.

One more thing, do you know anything more about programs attempting to turn audio into notes and why they fail miserably? I figure someone should've written something like that by now.
powertabs.net has some very accurate tabs.

you can play the songs correctly and still put your own interpretation into it. I hate when people suck it up and call it "their interpretation" fuck that shit. play it accurately and put some goddamn feeling into it.

Take DIE's closure cover..extremely accurate, but still...it was different adn it was excellent. Neil knows how it should be done.
the guitar pro (mysongbook.com) and Powertab (powertabs.net) tabulature are fully listenable, so that you can actually here how the author of the tab wants it to be played. That way it's easy to find out if a tab is incorrect. So, use those kind of tabs, texttabs are shit.
Powertab is awesome. You can usually tell if they are accurate just by listening to the midi. However, just because it sounds good, doesn't mean that it is the correct fingering. Sometimes it sounds great but the notes as transcribed are impossible to play. But it is defintely hoards better than .txt files.
Duvall said:
I'd rather hear a personal interpretation of a piece instead of a poor clone. That said, and though I couldn't do better, some tabs are just so blatantly wrong..

I suppose Powertab couldn't come out with an osX version...

time to go:Smokin:

My friend and I are working on a heavier version of TBYF. So far, it's kinda shitty but we're about to change quite a bit around. Now if we can find a new drummer and bassist.....