J JadeSkyeDesign New Metal Member Jul 19, 2002 4 0 1 Visit site Jun 4, 2003 #1 Hey guys. Hopefully someone will be able to fill me in on this... Will Steve Wilson be joining Opeth on stage to fill the keyboard spot?
Hey guys. Hopefully someone will be able to fill me in on this... Will Steve Wilson be joining Opeth on stage to fill the keyboard spot?
D Dem0n0fTheFall4 Member Dec 3, 2002 376 0 16 38 Philadelphia Visit site Jun 4, 2003 #2 no some dude from Spritual Beggars i think, he was on the TV4 videos. thats all i know
ChrisEmerson Member Feb 28, 2003 1,638 9 38 40 Nottingham, England www.cemerson.co.uk Jun 4, 2003 #3 Per Wilberg from spiritual beggars is doing keyboards.
warman Wanker May 27, 2002 716 0 16 45 Wank-Hut Jun 4, 2003 #4 uhh I hoped Wilson would be playing them because Per's playing in the TV4 prog was sloppy and he did some really amateur mistakes although the songs are pretty damn easy. I wish he was just excited or something. He's a good background singer though!
uhh I hoped Wilson would be playing them because Per's playing in the TV4 prog was sloppy and he did some really amateur mistakes although the songs are pretty damn easy. I wish he was just excited or something. He's a good background singer though!
J JadeSkyeDesign New Metal Member Jul 19, 2002 4 0 1 Visit site Jun 4, 2003 #5 Oh damn. I guess I'm not the only one dissapointed with this, but just having PT alongside Opeth is enough for me. Thanks for info guys.
Oh damn. I guess I'm not the only one dissapointed with this, but just having PT alongside Opeth is enough for me. Thanks for info guys.
Biddinger Member Feb 10, 2003 180 1 18 41 Columbus, Ohio Jun 4, 2003 #6 Well I'm sure Per will be practicing the songs in the meantime until the summer tour, so all the mistakes will be ironed out.
Well I'm sure Per will be practicing the songs in the meantime until the summer tour, so all the mistakes will be ironed out.
Demonspell cheating the polygraph Apr 29, 2001 15,341 32 48 45 dead between the walls www.ultimatemetal.com Jun 4, 2003 #8 test
T taken by the reaper Member Apr 7, 2002 209 1 18 Visit site Jun 5, 2003 #9 I'm definitely happy with Porcupine Tree just touring with Opeth, whether Wilson get on stage with Opeth or not. Especially since this will be my FIRST EVER CONCERT!!!!! Sure picked a great one didn't I?
I'm definitely happy with Porcupine Tree just touring with Opeth, whether Wilson get on stage with Opeth or not. Especially since this will be my FIRST EVER CONCERT!!!!! Sure picked a great one didn't I?