Opeth show in ATL, GA


paradox placebo
Nov 23, 2002
I really want to go but a friend who would have been going says she can't make it now, and I don't want to go there alone. Would anybody else from the forum be going to this show on Feb. 13? If so I would like to talk to whoever's going and meet you there... I hate being at concerts by myself...I mean, I love to see Opeth and that's the main reason I'm going but being there without someone to talk to between sets and shit is just fucking...lame feeling.

Anyway, let me know, I need to know ASAP so I can know whether or not to request days off at work. Thanks.
Me and my girlfriend are going to the Atlanta gig. We're driving down from Nashville on the 12th and then staying at a hotel. Even though I don't know you...hehe...sure, we can all meet and have a beer or something. I know how you feel...I hate being at shows alone myself. Luckily my lady is willing to go, even though she only likes the acoustic Opeth. However, it seems like Martin might miss the show, and they'll only be playing some softer stuff. Which is great with her, and fine by me.
HI - I'm going to see them Feb 14, in Charlotte, NC. I was about to go by meself, but a friend said he'd go, although he doesn't really like them. Doesn't bother me though, I'm gonna squeeze my way right up front...

Whats the status on Martin? Is it from his panic attack still from the Jordan show?
The Four Seasons said:
However, it seems like Martin might miss the show, and they'll only be playing some softer stuff. Which is great with her, and fine by me.
I hope the hell not :eek: I definitely wanted to hear Demon of the Fall live!!! :erk:
Xes said:
I'll be there. I'm also driving down from Nashville, but I'm coming on the 13th and meeting up with a few friends at the show.

Great! I hope they're are a few Tennesseans there supporting Opeth. We're getting down there on the 22nd because since that Sunday is Valentine's Day...me and my girlfriend need some extra time for our "activities".

Oh, and to get really hammered. :D
about how hard is it to drive from nashville to ATL? I live in Clarksville which is only about 30 min from Nashville. I would go, but Im not sure my car can make it...
FreddieMercury said:
about how hard is it to drive from nashville to ATL? I live in Clarksville which is only about 30 min from Nashville. I would go, but Im not sure my car can make it...

It's not a bad drive at all. There is always a lot of construction to be weary of, however, especially around Chattanooga. I'm not actually driving from Nashville, I'm coming from Murfreesboro, about 45 minutes southeast of Nashville. It still will be a 4 hour drive down there, however. Also, be careful when you get into the Atlanta city limits...that place is crazy! I was overwhelmed by the like 12+ lane interstates and crazy Georgians zipping around me. Everyone drive safe. :dopey:
I'll be at the show too, and I hope to once again, get a "Demon" chant going, like I did last year. It was pretty cool too, because we finally got so many people chanting "Demon", that Mikael actually came out and acknowledged our chant.

I'll probably be wearing a Devin Townsend's "Accelerated Evolution" t-shirt, if anyone wants to say hi. And yes, I know I don't normally post here, but I read the forums frequently.
Well I'm headed out bright and early tomorrow morning. Looks like I'll be with a crowd of 5 guys, all with an average age around 20. I've got semi-long brown hair and will probably be wearing a BLS shirt. I know I rarely post here and you could really care less, but for anyone who's looking...thats me. See you guys there.
blakmetalemp said:
Another person from the fucking BORO here?!!??! Sweet! Where abouts are you Fourth Season? Im over on Northfield Blvd. Couple other people here too, you brought here by one of them maybe?

Currently I'm in a dorm on the MTSU campus. Just got back from the Atlanta show. Fucking awesome! Me and my girlfriend drove down on Thursday and then stayed overnight in a hotel in Marietta, and then went to the show. We got there really early, early enough to actually hear Opeth doing a practice run from the outside of the venue. We then went to get some food, and then came back and stood in line. If anyone wants more specific reviews of the show, let me know and I can take the time to write more. All I have to say is...

Devildriver - Took FOREVER to start. The doors opened around 8 and it seemed like we stood there for 45 minutes waiting for them. They were okay, I guess. The crowd was really into them. Lots of douches sporting Slipknot shirts, unfortunately. They could have probably played the same song in a loop and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference, they all sorta ran together. Decent stage presence, decent performance.

Moonspell - I didn't know what to expect from these guys. This is the first time I had ever heard any of their material, and I was impressed. They played some strong stuff and it had my hand bangin'. They really seemed happy to be there and it showed. The crowd was really into them, and they out on a good show.

Opeth - :worship: The place erupted when they came out. I myself was going apeshit. They told us halfway through the set that Atlanta was by far the largest crowd they'ev played for on the tour...so good job Atlanta supporters! Same setlist as all the other shows. Lots of energy. Mikael is seemingly the most modest and nicest guy when he's onstage. Great show, great crowd. First ever Opeth concert and I couldn't have been more impressed! :headbang: