suislidE said:
that is not official.. it says nowhere that they actually used a metal zone. Plus I and my cousin have one and i dont see how its possible.
I have/had an interview where he says he used them .. maybe just jamming .. maybe recording. Maybe it's not possible because 1, your gear is shit 2, your method is shit 3, you are shit 4, you don't have the exact guitar setup 5, the exact studio, producer, mics, ........
Not to be and idiot but I have used some very shitty shitty shittyy gear ( yes I had to say that 3 times) and got the best live sound of my life... same token used peavey 5150, Boss Gt -6, and my custom mockingbird, I aquired an awesome but not anywhere near the sound I got from a shit nova guitar through an even worse crate amp. Gear and venues is a very weird thing.
So this is exactly how you get opeths sound out of any gear no matter what..................................................................
not possible .. unless you own the exact gear that was used and you have all the muscles and tendons in mickes arm attached to mickes hands...all attacthed to your own arms ...
Have you ever heard of originality.. I know everyone wants Mikaels sound but you'll be much happier with your own ... no lie chile.
Im just a kid don't listen to me ...
sorry for bad gggggfrrrraaammmmamamrrrrr I's is ins a hurrys