Opeth Tshirt request.

no, but i must. there's a street by me called norway street (in boston), me and my friends want to go there with battleaxs and such and viking helmets and drink mead and eat pig. a whole pig. aargh.
Necramentia said:
no, but i must. there's a street by me called norway street (in boston), me and my friends want to go there with battleaxs and such and viking helmets and drink mead and eat pig. a whole pig. aargh.

haha that definetly would be awesome, and take the drunks by surprise.
I don't drink beer because 1. I'm Muslim 2. it saves me money 3. I use that extra money for concerts 4. my girlfriend hates drinking and therefore when I don't drink, she's not yelling, and 5. Happy girlfriend = peace and quiet.

And yea, I guess the sig would be hard to remove after I die, so hopefully Blakkheim will have a heart and release the lyrics to Death's Design, or he gets his heart back into DM and cranks out the anticipated 5th album.
wear normal clothes...that way you have any size you need.

this urge to everyday wear a shirt with a big band logo or album cover as some sort of walking bilboard, i dont understand. :erk:
if you find one that fits, great...but if not just wear something else right? i dont mean to insult anyones personal taste, to each their own....but to worry so much over a t-shirt with a silkscreened logo of a band nobody but you will know...seems kinda silly.
2 Things I'm a sucker for: Band T-shirts and DVDs.

Seriously Though, I empathize with this guy. Why is it on any online store of bands (if they even HAVE one that isn't based in Europe) they only have Large or Extra Large? Usually the only way I can get a decent sized shirt is if I go to a fucking concert and get it there.
sorrry about the typoo nick. chad definitely does pwn humphrey still. those pants are disgusting. :yuk: and yeah chris, i just thought maybe you were referring to me since beer had already been mentioned elsewhere. beer is the last thing i need though. :Puke: ah yes, and thanks for the helpful suggestion 9ftunder. i think however you'll find that jinn isn't quite as distraught as you make him out to be. it would appear he was simply after possible suggestions as to where to find a smaller shirt, if anyone had happened to see em at any particular store.
i wear a band shirt basically every other day, haha it used to be every day, in high school though. but i had like fucking 17 metallica shirts, no exaggeration.

but now i only wear a few of them.
bandwise, i basically just wear my 2 opeth shirts, 2 of my metallica shirts, 2 pantera shirts, 3 slayer shirts, testament shirt, tool shirt, log shirt, cob shirt, 3 in flames shirts, and new beatles shirt. sorry, just recall them haha.
Band shirts rule. I wish I would have saved my fucking 3/4 sleeve Iron Maiden shirts from the 80s (and my old Rainbow, Judas Priest, Venom, and Scorpions shirts).

And what's wrong with wearing an obscure band? Kinda cool when someone finally goes, "dude, Opeth rules", after you've been wearing the shirt periodically for months. Sure as hell beats those Hot Topic shirts you see the mallcore kids wearing. Saw a kid today with a fucking tongue ring and a Marilyn Manson shirt. My first and only thought was "what a dumb ass".
PoS...i wasnt saying Jinn was freaking out or anything, ive just heard the same thing from a lot of people before...not on the forum as well...so i just thought it was relevant for me to bring up my opinion on it. once again, i wasnt getting down on anyone...it just seems like some people HAVE to wear band merchandise or nothing at all sometimes.
I like nothing at all.

And actually, I too have met a few people just by wearing my "The Haunted- Made Me Do It" hoodie. Oh and it's comfy.
Great advice: You guys should sew them (or ask someone to be able to do it) at least that's what I do.
And what Gatedropper has said is true, drink loads of beer will help you. (if you can't, then steal it)

We have a Ford fan here then, I take it...

I don't suck because I like Holden. I suck because I cared enough about fucking cars to buy their shirts.

I still suck, mind you.