Opeth vs Esoteric

thanks to this thread, i've actually been listening to a bit of Opeth (and even PT) for the first time in years! and i'm enjoying it too! not the be-all-end-all I used to think it was, but good music nonetheless

and NFU, I now totally agree with you about Still Life not being as special as people make it out to be
I guess Samsara is an Esoteric fan.

Personally, I have lately gotten into Esoteric a little bit based on recommendations of members of this board, and they do create an amazing atmosphere at times that is almost untouchable. I still prefer Opeth though; the problem is with Esoteric I have to be in just the right mood, in just the right listening environment, etc.
I wondered that as well.

I like Esoteric, yes. Also, this thread is old and given the recent talk about how the forum is currently, I thought a flashback to approximately 2 years ago would show that the forum back then had good discussion and plenty of trolling, flaming and hostillty. Thought it would be educational in that sense, and would bring a topic on the first page that didn't start with, "Hey Mike, What's your favorite...." lol
I had forgotten completely about this thread. Interesting it comes up now as recently I've been trying to decide album of the year so far and it's a toss between Watershed and The Maniacal Veil. I'll listen to Maniacal and it will own me so hard I can't help but think it wins, but then I crack out Watershed and it still rapes pretty hard. Guess I'll have to see at the end of the year. Atm I'd say Maniacal though. Overall as a band I'd say Opeth, but Esoteric are a lot closer than most metal bands imo, especially after Maniacal.
I never heard about Esoteric before but after listening to a couple of songs from Maniacal Vale, it made me think a lot of Morgion, especially their album Solinari, which is very good. If you like Esoteric and haven't heard of Morgion, I recommend you try them.

Oh and by the way, there's no competition for me, Opeth for the win!
Doesn't the cover of Maniacal Vale remind of you something...hhmmmm....can't quite put my figure on it but it will come to me...







.....Oh yeah!


lol...all jokes aside....been listening to 8 minutes of Circle...yawns...it's uber progressive....