Opeths... chords?


Sep 1, 2004
I wonder, I've learned to play 2 opeth songs now (on guitar) but it seems they never play chords.
They often use the same tone in a way it seems a chord, but it isn't because it has only 2 tones.

Does opeth play chords in some songs? (if so, can you name them?
frankfrank said:
I wonder, I've learned to play 2 opeth songs now (on guitar) but it seems they never play chords.
They often use the same tone in a way it seems a chord, but it isn't because it has only 2 tones.

Does opeth play chords in some songs? (if so, can you name them?

Which songs have you learned?
Lol, he probably learned Still Day Beneath The Sun and Patterns In The Ivy. :P
They use tons of chords in just about every song except for the previously mentioned still day beneath the sun and patterns in the ivy... They often play alot of barred chords and use alot of great chord progressions. Just check out any other song but those and you are sure to find that they do indeed use alot of various chords.
The Invoking said:
They use tons of chords in just about every song except for the previously mentioned still day beneath the sun and patterns in the ivy... They often play alot of barred chords and use alot of great chord progressions. Just check out any other song but those and you are sure to find that they do indeed use alot of various chords.
I´d bet you the hairy, gruesome sack that contains my testicles that Still Day Beneath the sun and Patterns in the Ivy have chords
ahhhh, my good friend mot-. didnt even bother to ask why i bumped the thread. just woke up from 3rd period english class and decided to crack on people.