Opeth's Grammy...

Stop being stereotypical about the old In Flames board! Not EVERYONE said that... just a few, mainly the newer fans. Man, get your facts straight.

BTW, yes, Opeth hasn't really changed their sound to appease the public :)
but, tool fans like them a lot now, so basically, opeth is probably just about as popular as in flames is now in the states.
I like In Flames, but I don't care that people are flaming them, because sometimes it can be true to an extent, even though it doesn't appeal to me. Let people have their opinions, and you can have yours.

@ Yetti: I am 15! :D
I don't agree with your statement completely...it does have some truth to it though. First off, Opeth deserved that grammy 100%. Even the old In Flames material can't touch Opeth's musical genius. I am as much an In Flames fan as I am Opeth, but they are just a different style, which constricts their songwriting process. Straight up melodic death metal really gives you some limits as to what you can write...and I don't think that IF is planning a genre cross-over at this point in their career. Opeth however, is much more grayed in their classification. Death/Prog leaves a lot of room to manuver. The point that is made over and over again, but people still don't seem to understand, is that a band can't stay in the same place writing the same fucking songs over and over! Sure, In Flames could pull off another album like the jester race...but where would that take metal? Nowhere. If no one progressed...then music would totally suck. I'm not saying the direction In Flames is going is great, but they are doing something different. And the fact that they are going into the mainstream and changing their style...maybe its not all bad?? I mean think about this...maybe they could be considered somewhat of a martyr...they are exposing the world of the heavy metal underground to kids who normally would never ever be exposed to it, I say this because I'm one of them. I heard them on a late night metal radio show...and I was fucking hooked. Since then, I've gotten into countles more bands stretching to the farthest ends of the heavy metal underground. In turn I've exposed plenty of my friends to this whole new world(some were more receptive than others), but the bottom line is, they are helping out metal. Plain and simple.
Yeah well put it this way...... I don't know anything about the grammys..... or if any band won anything...... but I come into this thread with this guy unfairly dissing In Flames (at least in my opinion)..... Hell, I like Opeth more than In Flames anyway..... and sure I'd give a grammy to Opeth first..... but why bash In Flames?So like you said....... everyone is allowed to have their opinion, so heres mine..... "this thread can suck my ass". Make it a point that Opeth should have won...... but there is NO need to bash In Flames.....
@stormrider: I got your point. but I don't think that they can't match Opeth just because they are playing a different style. we all now that strömblad is a genius and can do far better things for metal if he wants. I can say that his solos in the older albums are far better than the solos of Opeth. I still trusted IF after clayman, but they have gone too far with R2R. do you think they can still be called melodic death? I don't think so.

@sunlapse: well, you are the archetype of the immature IF fan. you have great opinions like "this thread can suck my ass" and you are trying to teach me how to write my post about Opeth's Grammy. keep up the good work!
@commandante...RtR was experimental, we can all see that plain as day. And no, it was not a melodic death metal album, in any shape or form, you're right. I'm just saying you can't write them off after one album! Like you said...stromblad is a genius. I can't see him stooping so low as to desert us fans that appreciate the finer end of the musical spectrum, to make some cash and get on mtv. I still have my trust that the next album will be at least twice as good as RtR. I think they will perfect this new sound that was started in RtR. I'm confident that the lead guitar will play a much larger role in their new material. I also think(hope?) that Anders will realize his mistakes with the vocals on RtR, and improve those as well. Oh well...we'll just have to wait and see I guess.
yea but in flames doesnt call themselves melodic death, they just consider themselves hard rock now. im not gonna trash opeth or say anything about them in general because i never really got into them, but what stormrider said is true, in flames has usually been the gate into the underground. the new album may not be the jester race, but it still has its redeeming qualities on it (such as it being highly addictive in certain songs). also a band can go back to their roots kind of. its like the progression with dark tranquillity, how they went from gallery to the minds i, then to projector to haven, and finally into damage done. theyre all different albums with different tones. gallery being a pure melodic and musical masterpiece. the minds i being a faster paced type of music with less music theory. projector full of clean vocals and different guitar work and numerous guitar effects. haven with its heavy use of synth and power chords. then damage done being a mix between haven and the minds i. for the most part theyre all different and have their redeeming qualities and their down points (the high points outweighing the down points by far). the way they grew is a perfect example of musicial progression done at its best. maybe in flames will do the same maybe they wont. who knows, but saying theyre a bad band as a whole i cant really get the grasp of.
commandante said:
@sunlapse: well, you are the archetype of the immature IF fan. you have great opinions like "this thread can suck my ass" and you are trying to teach me how to write my post about Opeth's Grammy. keep up the good work!

Hey, all of you guys are just defending your rights to have an opinion, whats wrong with mine? And this whole "immature IF" fan business? No friggin clue what you are talking about.....

I AM A MUSIC FAN. I listen to what I like......... and I don't pointlessly bash other bands.......
And listen to you guys!!!!! You've got an entire thread of people agreeing with you..... then one little person comes along and disagrees with you....and you are now all over this person as if you are outraged at the fact that someone has a different opinion! My simple opinion? I see no need to bash In Flames......

But christ, you have to go on trying your hardest to make me look like a total moron asshole just because SOMEONE DISAGREED WITH YOU, OH NO!!!! THAT CAN'T HAPPEN!!!!!......
I don't have a problem with your opinion. it is your behaviour that makes me sick. what kind of response is "this thread can suck my ass"? can this be called mature?

@zero: exactly, DT is best when it comes to experimenting I think. if IF is going their way now, I can't wait to hear their new EP. But it's not like that Projector is musically inferior like R2R. It is just a different style.
Sometimes thats just the way i feel.... I guess you can say that I dont always want to get too deep into something..... IF is my 2nd favorite band, so of course I tend to get pissed off, especially since the last 5 or 6 months because they've taken so much shit..... so in conclusion, all this stuff about IF, ive heard it all before.... frankly im getting tired of it, and im just gonna voice my immediate opinion from now on.....but don't confuse me for an "archetypical immature IF fan".....my comment was immature, i'll admit..... its only cause i get pissed easily......
@commandante i wouldnt be surprised if the new ep was shit or if it was something along the lines of haven. either way itll probably still have its hooks. r2r wasnt a bad album in my opinion, its just something that you wouldnt expect a band like in flames to put out.