Opeth's Valentine's Day Massacre at Tremont...

The Evil Toucan

Oct 18, 2002
Charlotte, NC
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...they came, they saw, they made us all break our necks in the air. They were so unbelievably tight it was ridiculous.

The security guard looked like Brock Lesnar.

Moonspell's lead singer looks like Billy Zane, and thinks he is Skeletor. if you are gonna see them, make sure you pay attention when he starts bouncing that staff with a skull on the end on the ground. It's funny as hell to just watch the skull bounce up and down. They had a few people there to see them.

DevilDriver was not as bad as I was expecting. Granted I didn't like them at all, and would never listen to their music, but their frontman seemed like an alright guy when he would talk and stuff. There were a lot of people to see them.

Opeth. Our boys from Stockholm and Uruguay come out and the place erupts.

Master's Apprentices. They played it a little slower than on record, and it grooved really good. Pretty much sounded like on the DVD. Mike's singing was spot-on, again.

Drapery Falls. You know what this sounded like. Everyone sang along.

The Moor. Before The Moor, I kept yellin at Mike that it was "ALL ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKIN MOOR MIKEY!" and then he gets on the mic and is like "Ever since they invented the internet, people can get on our website and get our setlist.....our website is shutit.com" and then he pointed at me. It was humorous. The song itself, of course, slayed. Mike played the fingerpicking parts a bit slower than on record. There were a lot of people singing along to this as well.

Windowpane and IMTON were excellent as well.

Song of the night. April Ethereal owned anything I have ever heard. It was close to being my fave before, and last night just pushed it to #1. Can't really describe how good it was.

Deliverance killed as usual.

BWP was insane. Really heavy and tight grooving. I liked the way they brought back in the heavy part.

Demon last night was better than last time I saw em.

All in all, the band was tight, the crowd was HOT, and Mike said during the set that this was one of the best shows they had played on this tour. I think by the end he would have probably said it was the best.

We got to hang out with Mike and Peter after the show, and they were, of course, cool as shit. Mike said he hadn't heard the Blackfield album yet when I asked him about it. We got pictures with rjbeals. My buddy will upload em later.

I was there, right fucking there, no more than 10ft away from it all, it was fucking badass. I'm surprised my girlfriend wanted to go, such a hellatious time. This would be my second time seeing opeth, and and i'd have to say it was much better this time than at Ziggy's in winston-salem. I stayed for a bit after the show myself and got Peter's autograph on a couple things and then decided it was time to head in. Would have loved to talk to Mikeal or the Martins, but that will happen at another time.
The Poona of Peshwa said:
Wow man Peter looks savage with stubble, haha. I had never seen him not clean shaven before.
He looks like a sexy BEAST and when he was gettin a pic with a girl I informed him that he was the Masta Pimp and he laughed....I was takin a pic with him and this guy and it would have been a normal shot if he wasnt fucking tall, the shot had like the bottom half of his head in it
I was there... Fuck'n GREAT show! I was standing by the pole on the right side about 10ft from the stage - right on the fringe of the pit... The pit didn't bother me too much but there were a few times when I wanted to just watch the show instead of watching my back, heh heh... Eventually, one of the Tremont Crew came over and stood by the pole making it easier to watch the show...

All in all, a MUCH better show than last time here which I thought was pretty fuck'n good too, though there weren't no where near as many people last time... I was actually surprised that they would come back to ole Charlotte, but it looks like the fan base has multiplied somewhat... I now have hope!
Well.. after 4 years of waiting, I finally got to see Opeth... Was even better than I could have hoped for. I got there right before devil driver started, and I must say, there were not as bad as i was expecting.. Singer had a shit load of energy, and the songs had a lot of heavy riffs.. but they didn't do anything real impressive.. just your normal new metal..

After DD, I went to the bar and bought 3 beers.. shoved 2 in my pockets and tried to get as close to the front of the stage as i could.. I ended up to the left of the stage, about 1/2 way back.. which was cool for me... I started talking to the guy next to me and he said he posted on this forum.. it was MetalMan0207 !!! I thought I knew a lot of the lyrics.. but MetalMan new every fuckin word... nice job. I told him I really wanted to try to get closer, and he told me I wasn't dressed for it.. No spikes and leather (good call)...

Opeth ruled. Masters Apprentice, the Moor and April were unbelievable.. but for me, Demon of the Fall was the best.. It was the encore song and peole just went nuts when they started playin it... I have short hair, but i was bangin my head with the best of em'. I just had to piss so bad through the entire show, but there was no way I was leavin for a bathroom break!

Then i bought a tshirt, grabbed a handful of postcards, and got a lamentations tour poster from the bar, and headed around back of the building to the tour bus.... I saw a dude carring his Deliverance Double pict disc's and started talking to him.. It was our own Mayberry's Finest !! Right next to him was the Evil Toucan !!

There were about 20-30 people standing around the bus. Peter showed up right away and signed whatever anyone put in front of him... A girl had him sign her acoustic guitar, and another guy brought out his electric to sign.. Incredibly nice, as you all know.. Then Mikael came out and it was like.. holy shit.. there is Mikael Åkerfeldt standing 10 feet in front of me... Can't explain how that makes you feel... Thanks to Toucan and his buds, they snapped a digital pict of me and Mike.. (I left my digital camera battery at home, then took all the pictures from my disposable inside.. DOH!) Well.. that’s enough from me.. all you guys from the boards were extremely cool.. I’m glad I started postin here! :headbang:

my email is rexxun@yahoo.com or beals@rjbeals.com
Aight here are the pics. The other ones above will load back later on after angelfire un-suspends my fucking account.

Rjbeals, Mike, and myself


rjBeals and Mike


Mayberry & Mike

Let me just add, that when I was leaving, I saw some bitch in a Nirvana hoodie saying that Opeth sucks. If you read this, don't hate what's over your head. And don't feel bad that you don't get em. I liked Nirvana when I was 13 too ^_^.
did anyone talk to that crazy, tall british kid; he really knew his opeth.

and by the way who is that Melinda character they sing about.

anyway, wicked awesome show.
Two words...FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!
My fifth time seeing them was, by far, the best. Mike eluded to the fact that last time they played Tremont with Nevermore he wasn't in very good spirits.
I can surely attest to that, since I was one of the fifty people that actually attended.
A bunch of us hanging out by the soundboard were screaming "Black Rose Immortal"......Oh well, maybe next time. :headbang: