Opinion on new track

IMHO guitars sound good...?...songwriting 2 cents: I would axe the double bass on the main riff and play that fucker faster, like almost 2x as fast...it's kind of Megadeth the world needs a hero sounding, like it should be played faster. My opinion, that's what I would do. I know that if you played it like 200 bpm I'd enjoy it a lot more.
Try to play to a click. There's alot of timing issues in this one. Turn the cymbals down too. I would try to change the riffs sooner too. It gets boring kinda fast. The guitars sound ok to me but, I would use more obviously different tones for left and right channels. Nice job though.
Yeah, as I said its rough idea, I was mainly wondering if youo guys thought that sound or style of music was worth going through with?

I think it shoould be faster too...I aiming for an Arch Enemy type sound, interesting megadeth comparison...been listening to them for ages, but a lot more recently since they recently toured here in sydney

Thanks guys
Ok, well then speed it up, make the guitars heavier, turn down the cymbals and play to a click...and viola....metal.