Opinions Needed On The Next Devin Album To Buy


Neuroses Facilitator
Hey guys...

I need a little assistance on the general direction of Devin's works. I have Strapping...and Ocean Machine. While I like the type of material he puts out with SYL (to an extent), I much prefer Ocean Machine, with the experimentation and lush harmonies. I would appreciate a little info on what his other projects sound like. Please help!!! :Spin: :Spin:
As much as I like The Physicist, it is my least favorite Devin album. The production/mix on that one is very poor too. Terria, on the other hand, is his best IMO by leaps and bounds. The production is phenomenal, and the song writing is simply amazing. Follow my above link for more detailed thoughts on Terria. I rank it as one of the top albums of all time. It is a definite must have for any fan of good, quality music.
I'd have to agree and say the 'Physicist' is definitely my least favourite. Man, I love the Devin Townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution and then probably SYL - SYL. Infinity and Terria are awesome to, just not my favourites... SYL Live in Australia (No Sleep) is awesome if you can get your hands on it...

Terria is similar to Ocean Machine. Accelerated Evolution is also very melodic, but more accessible. be sure to get Infinity, too ;)
Obivously you're not going to be able to make up your mind by simply reading all these fan's conflicting opinions. Hehe. I think that if you like Ocean Machine as much as you say, you will surely love all the rest of his solo albums and will inevitabely end up owning all of them. Ocean Machine was the first album I bought and it forced me to buy the rest, one at a time. Each time I acquired a new album I had to ask my self "Is THIS the best thing he's ever done, or what??" Now that much time has passed, I'd say the order is: Terria, Infinity, Ocean Machine, Accelerated Evolution, Physicist.
If you liked Ocean Machine, you're sure to like Accelerated Evolution and Terria. Infinity is just a little too bizarre in places, and Physicist (as well as being my least favourite too) is more like a "lite" version of Strapping. Not my words, but the words of the big man himself.
This band's about as gay as they come. Motherfucker looks like the old fuck from the early 80s "House" Horror flicks. A bunch of no -talent fuckin rancid cheese-filled cooters. This band blows more dick than Richard Simmons. I had to sit through like a fuckin hour set with these fuckin ass-clowns at the Mason Jar in Phoenix. Someone should just gun their asses down. Bass player was decent but the rest pretty much sat there with their fingers up their asses. I woulda thrown my beer bottle at the singer's fuckin busted condom for a head, but I really wanted to see the headlining act whatever the fuck it was.