Opinions of the new video! (SPOILERS INSIDE... WATCH THE VIDEO FIRST!)

Do someone may upload the original link to a host, like rapidshare, megaupload, filecloud, or something like this?
I've searched the video in edonkey p2p network, I've found the video, the elink is this one ed2k://|file|kalmah_the_groan_of_wind_LO.wmv|24860260|D004CD5638A19C90D7F4E5B22975F368|/

If no one upload it, i'll do when download is done.

By the way, i've seen it from youtube, and it is awsome, such as a guy said, is one of the best videos ive seen before, no a dark video with the band performing on it, with some light and anything else, is really cool seeing them playing clearly :D

I love this, thats for sure, and i repeat, www.rapidshare.de , www.megaupload.com , www.filecloud.com please someone that have the original one, upload t, we wil enjoy it, and it only will take a few minutes

I was left confused but impressed. The storyline behind it totally washed over me, but the imagery was really good and the swamplord bit at the end was really really cool. I guess I'll have to watch it a couple more times.
To be honest, I didn't have all that high of expectations for this video. I figured I'd like it, but I didn't think that, overall, it would be very high quality.

Thank the Swamplord I was proven completely wrong. This video is just plain fucking :kickass:
Go read the lyrics, it's about some virus that spreads in the air, and in the video people sort of become zombies.

Yeah, the song is very clearly about bird flu, but if the "H5N1" line were taken out, the lyrics could easily be re-interpreted to match the story shown in the video: an incurable virus turns people into zombies, and their breath is enough to pass on the disorder.

The ending makes it clear that (in the story of the video) the underground musicians Kalmah themselves were once zombies terrifying the lifers up above, until sent down below by the Swamplord... hence their ragged clothing.

I love that these guys are stomping around in the dirt barefoot in this video! I also love the "old time" feel of the video, it matches the tone of the band, I think.
I liked the imagery from the older cds. the african plain looking swamplords not some lord of the rings shit. This video just like the cd artwork would have been way better if they stuck to the formula they had going. the other was way more animalistic not some cheesy fantasy type bs. other than the wizard the video was pretty good.

p.s. and this is coming from someone who likes lord of the rings but enough is enough.
I don't like LOTR at all. But this is still a really good video and song because its by Kalmah. I do like the old image over this one as well but whatever, Kalmah is Kalmah and I listen to them because they know how to make very good metal.
sandiegometalmario said:
its about the approaching catastrophy....bird flu. H5N1 is the the virus.

I'm so glad that the video doesn't show a screaming crowd of chinese people running away from a couple of chicken :lol: