Opinions On A Camo Scheme

The Lord Conqueror

May 26, 2002
In The Wordless Chamber

Hail all, I am having my Hamer V refinished and would like to know what you guys think. After talking with the guy who is going to do it for me, The script for 666 will probably be in more of a 'branded' style (think like the movie "The Omen") and the crosses with the red slashes through them will be inverted and untouched. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!!

I would just make it all camo and then get vinyl graphics for the rest of that shit made.. you might get sick of all that stuff later on and would be easier to remove :)

Where the hell do you find someone to paint a guitar anywa and how much does that cost usually?
Not bad. I'd definately go with a different font for the "6". Something that won't look like inverted "9"s.

Is that supposed to be a WW2 German fighter plane scheme?
I think unless you are wearing leather, spikes, and corpsepaint, you would be called a "wannabe" and a "loser"...

So.... I dunno.... I just like black yeah..... or maybe dark camo, black and dark greys... have the writing and crosses in red.... hardcore...
I like the iron cross and camo, but I'm not feeling the whole cross/mark of the beast thing. That looks more like a parody guitar with those on it, IMO. Something you would see on an extreme metal version of Spinal Tap.
I think it would look really cool with just the camo and the ironcross, I think you should leave out the other stuff.