Opinions on band popularity

So, what do you think about your "underground" bands getting big, and the most popular thing to hit the shelves.

I have to say I both like it and don't, I like it for the bands hard efforts, and amazing skill, so they get rewarded for it. And I hate it because all these little bastards will be running around with EX: Nevermore shirts because they heard A song on MTV.

I also like that I am one of the few people who knows about them like it is my little secret band.

I haven't been listening to underground type music for very long (about a year), but I love it so much, and I can't stand when people get so into them, from hearing a song on MTV and say they are their biggest fan. I have only been listening to Nevermore for a couple months, and I got into them by searching for newer and better bands (unspoiled by popularity)( a great example of this is In Flames, old stuff kicks ass, new stuff is commercial) and eventually found them, I didn't see them on the most popular channel ever, and say oh, I better start liking them or else I won't be cool.

So yeah, I like it and don't. Mostly don't though.

EDIT: some stuff might not make sense, I am in a fury, and tired from football practice :erk:
well Nevermore isnt the most well known band around you know....they arent totally underground but not just every shmo knows who they are...mostly metalheads do...(or fans of Sanctuary)
i think its good that they are getting publicity...they arent getting over exposed and arent the "flavor of the month" either...ive really never seen a bunch of little putzes running around in Nevermore shirts or anything like that....
being in a band and having a day job is difficult...id be happy for Nevermore if they didnt have to be bartenders or whatever anymore because they could live off the band for a while...
The only thing that bothers me about band popularity is that people who listen to something just because they think its the cool thing to do, and they just don't get the underlying ideology, philosophy or message presented by the music. Its really disgusting to see kids running around wearing Mjolonir pendants just because they listen to Amon Amarth, while the kids themselves have little to no knowledge of the workings of the Aasatru. To put it in prospective for those who don't understand: Its like wearing a person who wears a cross without ever having read a bible in their life.
Its really disgusting to see kids running around wearing Mjolonir pendants just because they listen to Amon Amarth, while the kids themselves have little to no knowledge of the workings of the Aasatru.
i dont know what planet youre on Matt, but i have never seen this...
(and i know a thing or two about the Asatru, my friend...)
I don't care if a band gets popular if the music doesn't change drastically, and they don't become corporate whores. It does bother me, as others said, when people just jump on the bandwagon and listen to the bands without actually understanding the music. Just doing it because it's cool. For example with Nevermore....the new fans who just heard Enemies of Reality and bought their whole catalog, but have no idea who Timothy Leary is, what happened at Tiananmen Square, and so on...that bugs me. There's a difference between listening and appreciating/being a fan.

personally, if I was to turn on the radio and hear 42147 or Demon of the Fall playing, I'd go apecrap and I'd turn it up full blast (as well as have a new respect/reason to listen to the radio)

and yeah, I like listening to underground bands (Drudkh, Dub Buk, etc...) because, as said, it's like you're in on a secret...a good secret. And once everybody else finds out the intrigue kind of fades.
NicodemiX said:
a person who wears a cross without ever having read a bible in their life.
(unfortunately, this is the most normal and common thing in the world. most of the christians have never opened the bible in their life. :Smug: )
as much as i get anoyed when people look at my old colony (in flames) tshirt and ask me if i went to the slipknot show last month, i dont think its totally bad that some formerly undergound bands get more comercial and more popular. if some slipknot fan likes the new in flames record, chances are good he might check out their older shit and that might lead him to other more underground bands and then all the sudden he likes a bunch of obscure shit that he never would have known about if some bands didnt become 'sellouts'. chances are just as good that they'll continue to be idiots and only listen to crap, but a few kids might see the light and ditch all that mallmetal shit. either way, i dont really hold any animosity towards a band that goes more mainstreem, i usually just stop getting their new albums and going to see them. no big loss. plenty of angsty teenagers will gladly take my place.
nIcOdEmIx said:
The only thing that bothers me about band popularity is that people who listen to something just because they think its the cool thing to do, and they just don't get the underlying ideology, philosophy or message presented by the music. Its really disgusting to see kids running around wearing Mjolonir pendants just because they listen to Amon Amarth, while the kids themselves have little to no knowledge of the workings of the Aasatru.
Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy said:
So, what do you think about your "underground" bands getting big, and the most popular thing to hit the shelves.

I have to say I both like it and don't, I like it for the bands hard efforts, and amazing skill, so they get rewarded for it. And I hate it because all these little bastards will be running around with EX: Nevermore shirts because they heard A song on MTV.

I also like that I am one of the few people who knows about them like it is my little secret band.

I haven't been listening to underground type music for very long (about a year), but I love it so much, and I can't stand when people get so into them, from hearing a song on MTV and say they are their biggest fan. I have only been listening to Nevermore for a couple months, and I got into them by searching for newer and better bands (unspoiled by popularity)( a great example of this is In Flames, old stuff kicks ass, new stuff is commercial) and eventually found them, I didn't see them on the most popular channel ever, and say oh, I better start liking them or else I won't be cool.

So yeah, I like it and don't. Mostly don't though.

EDIT: some stuff might not make sense, I am in a fury, and tired from football practice :erk:

I do like to see my favorite bands making money, but I dont' like all the idiots who have jumped on the band wagon try to school me about artists I have loved for decades.

Back in the day my younger cousin had tried to tell me And Justice for All was the first Metallica Cd ( it had just come out at the time ).
I pulled out Kill em All, Ride the Lightning and Master Of Puppets and asked him to explain to me what these were.

He claimed they must have been new releases, even though they dates on them were old.

That kind of stuff annoys me.