Opinions on electronic music

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New Metal Member
Feb 3, 2010
Ok I'm new on here,
sorry if its the wrong section or something, but i have an assignment for college titled "Is electronic music seen as to fake or synthesized?" and i would like your opinions on this topic.
so anything you would like to say on this topic would be much appreciated no matter how big or small, thanks!
well do you think it lacks in real instruments.. so is it seen as being too fake or synthesized?
Well i believe that this lack of "real" instruments is kind of the main reason it's described as "electronic music", so it seems like a loaded question, and i still don't know how to answer. I just listen to music because of how it sounds, not the mechanics behind it, and i don't know of any fake music as such exists. If you mean the sinusoids that make up electronic music are not as fluid and varying, and easier to describe with a mathematical model (and in fact are such), then sure... but i still pose the question, too fake or synthesized for what? To sound like it ISN'T electronic music?
You can argue anything to be music nowadays. That being said, Electronica is a massive umbrella term, so you will need to elaborate. I'll recognize it as a form of music, even if it is made through purely digital/analog manipulation - but typically I do not enjoy it (in fact I fucking hate most techno and think it's stupid and worthless).

Certain "electronic" ambient acts though are really good, along with a very few electronic/industrial hybrids.

Ninja edit: Just because their are no physical models of the instruments themselves doesn't mean their are no instruments. The waveform itself is the instrument in these cases. Also, there is an old instrument that uses an electromagnetic field and the sounds produced come from your placement within the field; pretty damn awesome.

And then there is this thing I would love to play with.
This is a terrible topic for you to write on. You can't really go into much more detail than "yes" or "no", and the why being "because i asked people and they said yes or no", plus it is so inherently charged by the word "fake" with a negative connotation, the question could be tagged with "to be enjoyed" on the end, and you end up just talking about liking or disliking electronic music. Most people can't give you definite answers as to the WHY they like or dislike something, and even if they can, those same reasons can flip the result. Some people like metal because it's aggressive. Some people hate metal because it's aggressive.

I would instead spend the effort writing a paper criticizing the question and telling your prof why he should put more thought into his assignments, because you feel this one is a waste of your time and the money you paid to attend this class.

EDIT: Unless this is for a psychology class, in which case you'd better get started on your research. No one has yet been able to really objectify this taste in music thing yet, but maybe you're the one, like Neo or something
I cant help but ask you what kind of a fucking question is that? I don't think music can be faked in any way, shape or form.
I think the best way too look at it is, not when you listen to it but if some one said listen to this electro house track or something, would you say no thanks.. or would you give it a go an listen to it. its more of that prejudging of electronic music more than anything
I think the best way too look at it is, not when you listen to it but if some one said listen to this electro house track or something, would you say no thanks.. or would you give it a go an listen to it. its more of that prejudging of electronic music more than anything

So basically you are asking people on a metal forum if they like electronic music? I see no value in any results you get from that.
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