Opinions on new Dissection?


Rotten undead buccaneer
What do you guys think about Reinkaos? I was really disappointed with the Maha Kali mcd they released a while ago, but the Reinkaos CD is not too bad IMO. It's not really the Dissection we all know, but it's kinda nice in it's own way.
I agree... this is Dissection at their prime & the drummer touring with them for the album was AWESOME!

Download Retribution Here (256kbps mp3)

DATE: 08.08.1997
RATING: 9.5/10

I think their new album is awesome, it's sure different than their previous, but I think they didn't screw up by adding a little more modern and less-atmospheric vibe and production, I love it. :)
Breeding_death: Maybe you should give them a chance before judging them based on that preconception. Especially the new album is far from the black metal I think you're referring to. Sure, it's still dark and brooding, but it's actually closer to At the Gates than to most black metal IMO. I love their old stuff, especially "Storm of the Lights Bane", one of the finest productions out there! But this new one has a good thing going as well :headbang:
Naglfar said:
I can't buy the album in good conscience because Jon never cleared up his role in that murder. I don't buy music from white supremacists.

That's respectable, it's too bad all that shit happened, but it's about the music. I didn't buy it either!
Deadlift said:
Not very good. It`s not a terrible album but it`s no way near the old ones.
Overall a pretty boring album. 2 out of 5.
Yeah, it's just...sort of dumb melodeath. It has none of the edge or uniqueness that the previous albums had.

I mean, Dissection was never totally Black Metal, but the connection that they had with it made them different (and better) than a lot of other bands doing the melodic death metal thing.
Tumn said:
That's respectable, it's too bad all that shit happened, but it's about the music. I didn't buy it either!

Right, you know, it's not just that he has politics that I disagree with. I've read some interviews on Enslaved, which is my favorite band, and some of their opinions really piss me off. I don't just disagree, I think in some respects the things they say are downright ignorant. I still buy, love and respect their music.

The difference is that Jon, from all accounts, killed a homosexual immigrant and does not really seem to be all that sorry that he did. I'm not comfortable listening to his music anymore... when he sings "allow me to erase your feeble race," on Storm of the Light's Bane, I always thought it was this really anti-humanist statement. But it turns out perhaps those feelings came from a more specific dislike of people. That's sort of unpalatable for me.

Didn't mean to be the guy to bring this up again (as the last time this topic came up I mentioned it), but it's like the elephant in the room whenever you talk about Dissection.
Really? I always thought Enslaved were fairly decent blokes. Just out of interest what opinions of theirs have offended you?
The album seems rushed or just not as much thought was put into the music as compared to the other albums. Which is mind boggling considering the amount of time he had to construct the songs.
Nefilim said:
Breeding_death: Maybe you should give them a chance before judging them based on that preconception. Especially the new album is far from the black metal I think you're referring to. Sure, it's still dark and brooding, but it's actually closer to At the Gates than to most black metal IMO. I love their old stuff, especially "Storm of the Lights Bane", one of the finest productions out there! But this new one has a good thing going as well :headbang:

I'm death metal to the core...mostly.
but black metal? Im not THAT wide open! just too much...and for now the only thing i listen to is Dies Irae from Poland :p
Yeah I see what you mean, I'm not much of a BM fan either, but Dissection is one of the few acts I really like. This new album is pretty far from BM in most ways, it's more like Melodeath really (like someone pointed out). Reminds me of Dark Tranquillity at times.
FUBAR said:
Really? I always thought Enslaved were fairly decent blokes. Just out of interest what opinions of theirs have offended you?

They're mostly decent, until you get them on Islam. I'm an atheist, and you won't find someone in the world more philosophically and intellectually hostile to religion than me. I was reading an interview, I can't find it right now, where I think their singer was talking, in mild terms, about how Islam is the most backwards and ignorant religion in the world. I mean, come on. That's a pretty crude generalization. I imagine it has to do, perhaps, with the hostility against Middle Eastern immigrants in Norway. I'm not sure. And I'm not saying the clash of culture means that one side is more legitimate than the other. I hate all fundamentalists with the very core of my being. It was just disappointing to see that sort of prejudice. As if Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc didn't have their crazies running around telling people what to do and how to live. And killing those who don't listen to them.