
I think music is very personal. I've gone through certain periods without listening to bands I really enjoyed for reasons that went beyond the actual music. For instance, I was sure a certain prog release was going to be my album of the year in 2011. Due to certain circumstances that happened and that are related to that band, I can't stomach even a half a song now... and if you sit and tell me that you're a huge music fan and you don't care about any other "outside factors" when it comes to a band you like, I call BS. :)

I'm in this camp too. I know that some people can separate music from the message and listen to NSBM stuff without the slightest twinge of guilt, or separate a musician's actions or statements from his recorded work, but I have a really hard time with that.

It doesn't have to be something criminal either. In some cases, if I disagree strongly enough with an artist's politics, I'll skip their albums because I don't feel right "endorsing" them by buying their releases. This is why I've walked away from Iced Earth, Halcyon Way and Megadeth in the past few years.

Side note - I have yet to abandon a band that sings about blood, fire, chains and metal.
I would easily put the first two Dissection albums up against Emperor's. Storm The Light's Bane is a benchmark for the blackened death metal scene just as In The Nightside Eclipse is for black metal.
I'm in this camp too. I know that some people can separate music from the message and listen to NSBM stuff without the slightest twinge of guilt, or separate a musician's actions or statements from his recorded work, but I have a really hard time with that.

It doesn't have to be something criminal either. In some cases, if I disagree strongly enough with an artist's politics, I'll skip their albums because I don't feel right "endorsing" them by buying their releases. This is why I've walked away from Iced Earth, Halcyon Way and Megadeth in the past few years.

Side note - I have yet to abandon a band that sings about blood, fire, chains and metal.

Agreed here too. I especially am not a fan of the huge amount of politics in these three examples' music...

Blood, fire, chains... You and your 50-Shades-of-Gray Metal... :lol:
Oh yeah, I no longer read ANYTHING Dave Mustaine says because I don't want him to ruin Megadeth albums for me. Rust In Peace is one of my fave albums ever and I won't have him ruin it for me now!
As we've all seen over the past few years, more and more folks on this board are starting to 'accept' the growlies -- Mercenary, Scar Symmetry, Solution 45, Ihsahn, Insomnium, etc are all praised by forum ... Blah blah blah ... do think that most of you who have started to incorporate the more extreme stuff into your daily listening are making a HUGE mistake by ignoring Dissection.

Could it be that this "change on the forum" comes from either more of the death metal fans out there have heard about the festival and now started to post here - OR - could it be that other people than just you knew about death/black metal earlier on but never saw it fitting to write about on this forum?!

I'm not sure that your assumption about everyone's taste in music changing is correct ...
Could it be that this "change on the forum" comes from either more of the death metal fans out there have heard about the festival and now started to post here - OR - could it be that other people than just you knew about death/black metal earlier on but never saw it fitting to write about on this forum?!

I'm not sure that your assumption about everyone's taste in music changing is correct ...

If I had assumed that everyone's taste has changed, you'd be spot on.

When I was first getting into metal years and years ago, I took to the growlies quicker than my friend who got into it at the same time. The first 'extreme' band he accepted? Guess who....
One of the most common complaints Reinkaos gets from the death/black scene is 'sounds like In Flames' 'sounds like Power Metal' and on and on and on. Sounds like something fitting for the PP board, yeah? I specifically wasn't talking about the first two records!!
Brian, you should check out the new band we signed, SILENMARA. It's on Spotify... If you like the "Swedish" style of melodic death metal (without sounding run-of-the-mill), you're in for a huge treat! :)