DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide

Kir-ir-bannog said:
Not only this, but if we look at what you're saying, everyone (who reacted negatively to the dissection guy) is doing their own natural thing by reacting in this way, due to the way we're all wired. So in fact, you should know better to have even compained about it in the first place.

Well, I already explained that in a somewhat similar comment from :Wreath:, that I wasn't just complaining to complain, but to try and make people see that all this judging stuff is quite ridiculous. My lack of belief in free will does not mean that I can't try and influence others. I am part of your environmental impulses, you see.
KotnoNarrot said:
>> well. that is at least what many ppl think. in fact only a part of what happens is bound by laws we know. there is a lot of things we cant explain by law so far, which gives two possibilities:
a) there is a law which we dont know
b) there is no law
you act like there is only possibility a. you might consider possibility b too.
one phenomenon which doesnt explain free will but just might weaken your point of two system within the exact same state will develop the same way is chance (i know no better english word, maybe there is one ... ). take to atoms of uranium 235 and try to tell which one of them is going to decay first. it is absolutely impossible to tell so far ... and if it indeed is impossible to decide that even with total knowledge of quantum mechanics and all your point is pretty much fucked. i am not saying it is that way btw, i just say both is possible ...

Well yeah, you're right in saying that. But, the fact that there might be laws at this small schale that we have not discovered yet, doesn't really mean anything for the possibility of human free will decisions. And usually the discovery of new laws just means we can predict things we could not predict before, so it would actually support my position. But anyways, obviously the illusion of free will is not a fact, it's just a philosophical theory which imo is a logical conclusion to form from the scientific evidence available so far. And even beyond the topic of free will, judging others and wishing them suffering and harm is never good.
I recently read an article that said that 40% of Americans believe that the evolution theory is not true which I assume means they believe in the Genesis story (unless there are other popular alternatives I am unware of) so I'm sure there are a bunch here atleast.

And science debates are fun (when they don't turn into name calling) but the only problem is that 99% of everyone involved in them isn't actually a scientist and is kind of mixing random things they've picked up and read with a good amount of talking out of their ass and their own not necessarily well funded opinion (that includes me by the way). So while they are fun, mostly no one really *truly* knows what they are talking about so it ends up being a little pointless.
affinityband said:
i didn even think evolution was a theory....I thought it was just one of those things about life.
Evolution is a fact. It is the changing of the frequency of alleles in a population over successive generations.
The theory of evolution describes how this occurs, and is obviously a theory because it is impossible to prove things in science other than in mathematics and parts of physics. The theory of gravity is also "just a theory", but I don't see many people doubt it because it is "just a theory". The overwhelming evidence for the theory of evolution makes it as close to a fact as a theory can be.
Opethian666 said:
Evolution is a fact. It is the changing of the frequency of alleles in a population over successive generations.
The theory of evolution describes how this occurs, and is obviously a theory because it is impossible to prove things in science other than in mathematics and parts of physics. The theory of gravity is also "just a theory", but I don't see many people doubt it because it is "just a theory". The overwhelming evidence for the theory of evolution makes it as close to a fact as a theory can be.
You kill the fun!:erk:
I recently read an article that said that 40% of Americans believe that the evolution theory is not true which I assume means they believe in the Genesis story (unless there are other popular alternatives I am unware of) so I'm sure there are a bunch here atleast.

And science debates are fun (when they don't turn into name calling) but the only problem is that 99% of everyone involved in them isn't actually a scientist and is kind of mixing random things they've picked up and read with a good amount of talking out of their ass and their own not necessarily well funded opinion (that includes me by the way). So while they are fun, mostly no one really *truly* knows what they are talking about so it ends up being a little pointless.

40% where did you get a statistic like that?

edit: you randomly label things as fact.

Miller's report makes for grim reading for adherents of evolutionary theory. Even though the average American has more years of education than when Miller began his surveys 20 years ago, the percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005 (Science, vol 313, p 765). That's despite a series of widely publicised advances in genetics, including genetic sequencing, which shows strong overlap of the human genome with those of chimpanzees and mice. "We don't seem to be going in the right direction," Miller says.

There is some cause for hope. Team member Eugenie Scott of the National Center for Science Education in Oakland, California, finds solace in the finding that the percentage of adults overtly rejecting evolution has dropped from 48 to 39 in the same time. Meanwhile the fraction of Americans unsure about evolution has soared, from 7 per cent in 1985 to 21 per cent last year. "That is a group of people that can be reached," says Scott.

It's a very recent article and that's where I read it. I don't randomly label things as fact.