DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide

Fair enough. The way you stated "where did you get a statistic like that" made it seem like you were implying I just made it up. But there you go.
Fair enough. The way you stated "where did you get a statistic like that" made it seem like you were implying I just made it up. But there you go.

ah. and i wasnt saying its not possible...america is truly a sad sack of pathetic more often than not...that was just a staggering figure, so i wanted to read where you heard that.
KotnoNarrot said:
because you randomly label things as fact.

Evolution IS a fact. There is a definite descrepancy between the theory and evolution itself , but evolution itself is an undeniable fact. Or are you going to tell me that populations of organisms don't undergo changes in allele frequencies over successive generations?
heeyy joon! i know u cant hear me now cuz ur in hell but maaana, i love u man, i think bout u every frekin day dog! we were like two drops of water, know what im saying? ill be wit u in paradise (hell) soon dog, just hold on! reinkaos :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: