DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide

Jon is an amazing guitarist and as a guitarist respect him and his decision r.i.p. Not one of us really knows how he felt so pointing fingers at him is not needed.
Opethian666 said:
Yes, that is the continuous refreshing of information that is centralised in your brain and makes you feel like you're taking a real decision, but in fact your body will always make the same "decision" when it receives the same input from its environment and has the same structure at a certain moment in time. If you are opposed to this, again, I challenge you to come up with a non-supernatural mechanism that allows biochemical matter to react differently under the same circumstances, at the schale of human decisions like this (I know about the Heisenberg uncertainty, but it would be ridiculous to propose this as a mechanism for huge schale choices like this).

That's also absolutely not what I'm saying. What you don't realise is that this consciousness of yours, which seems like it is a separate entity from your body, that is not bound by anything, is just an information intermediate of centralisation in your brain. It is a result of physical, chemical processes, and we all know that physical processes are bound by clear laws. Don't we?

And these thought patterns are not the result of physical processes, are they? Just because we are very complex organisms that have to perform some very complex actions that have to take into account incredible amounts of information that changes continuously, doesn't mean we have transcended the laws of physics.

Just because you don't like my view, doesn't mean it is not correct. Why don't you look up the meaning of confirmation bias and intellectual honesty.

Why don't you think about it, because this post shows you clearly haven't.

OK fair enough. In fact, i know and understand all what you are saying. I studied psychopharm during my college years i.e. i know all about biochem pathways and their influence on thought patterns.

I just thought that, by cutting things back to basics you were somehow justifying what he did. Despite his neural pathways, the guy still knew what he was doing was wrong. I still maintain that a person is able to change the way he thinks (and thus acts), its called reform.

Not only this, but if we look at what you're saying, everyone (who reacted negatively to the dissection guy) is doing their own natural thing by reacting in this way, due to the way we're all wired. So in fact, you should know better to have even compained about it in the first place.

It is a result of physical, chemical processes, and we all know that physical processes are bound by clear laws.

>> well. that is at least what many ppl think. in fact only a part of what happens is bound by laws we know. there is a lot of things we cant explain by law so far, which gives two possibilities:
a) there is a law which we dont know
b) there is no law
you act like there is only possibility a. you might consider possibility b too.
one phenomenon which doesnt explain free will but just might weaken your point of two system within the exact same state will develop the same way is chance (i know no better english word, maybe there is one ... ). take to atoms of uranium 235 and try to tell which one of them is going to decay first. it is absolutely impossible to tell so far ... and if it indeed is impossible to decide that even with total knowledge of quantum mechanics and all your point is pretty much fucked. i am not saying it is that way btw, i just say both is possible ...