DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide

NineFeetUnderground said:
his work will not be important or remembered outside of the caveman metal scene. the innocent life he took > any effect he had on listeners. sorry.


the fact that he killed an innocent person weighs more to me than the fact that he was a musician (and average at best).

im so glad he killed himself, he's done a great favor to society and i'm sad it took him so long.
Well apprantly he didnt do the killing so...

And according to people that new him, and his friends and family, he was a really nice guy. Just had crazy beliefs. It must be pretty hard for his family, especially with everyone saying they are glad hes dead and he was a dickhead etc.
Keith! said:
Well apprantly he didnt do the killing so...

And according to people that new him, and his friends and family, he was a really nice guy. Just had crazy beliefs. It must be pretty hard for his family, especially with everyone saying they are glad hes dead and he was a dickhead etc.

actually he DID do the killing. he entirely confessed to it and there was quite a bit of evidence iirc.

and what about the victim's family? you think they sleep any better knowing Jon WrOtE sOmE GrEaT HaRmOniZed rIfFs?!!? :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

morons. everyone.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you are a fucking clown. he killed an innocent person, the fact that he wrote "kewl harmonized riffs dood" doesnt redeem him...

god i FUCKING HATE metalheads what HELL is wrong with you people?!?! jesus tap dancing christ.

Eh, I kinda wanted to avoid responding to this at first but I must point this out - I ain't no metalhead - far from it in fact. I'm just a person that likes some metal bands. Preferably, I'm a music lover who thought great things of Dissection's early work.

Yes, I understand he killed an innocent person but as I said it shouldn't get in the way of what this dude was all about musically. There was some powerful stuff there, whether you like the guy or not. There's no way I support murder (seriously, I grew up in a christian family - like I said, I'm NO metalhead) but also like others have said I know the guy through the music he created. I just listened to the music.

My response may have been a little off (over-exaggerated) but I felt it necessary because sure while the guy was kinda screwy, he shouldn't go down as some laughing stock - especially since many of those naysayers may never find half the success Jon has found for himself. I just had to state a few words in support of the guy's talent.

Jesus, I'm just still shocked at the fact this guy has FINALLY just been released out of prison where he can start anew and what does he do? He fucking kills himself (and especially since he seemed quite normal about thanking the fans for support as he wasn't able to make it to the states, etc.) And what does he leave behind? Reinkaos? It's just too bad it all went down like this. I'm not going to say the album flat-out sucks, but it isn't something I'd be found listening to that's for sure.

So there, very flawed human being but talented nonetheless - that's the end of it.
youre not a metalhead? do non-metalheads normally have 5 metal band logos as their signature?

by the way, im humbled by your tact and ability to not flame me back when i called you out for my perception of your insensitivity to the situation overall. which i still stand by, but i figured id give you credit where its due. but his musical importance is close to nothing in the bigger picture...especially compared to his drawbacks as a person and his choices...which his musicality is just a facet of really.
NineFeetUnderground said:
actually he DID do the killing. he entirely confessed to it and there was quite a bit of evidence iirc.

and what about the victim's family? you think they sleep any better knowing Jon WrOtE sOmE GrEaT HaRmOniZed rIfFs?!!? :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

morons. everyone.

Well i've read that the other guy did the killing and Jon was an accessory, which is what he was charged for, got sentenced to 7 years and has sinse been released, while the other guy who got charged for the murder is still in prison. But whatever.

I've never heard any of his work so cant comment on his harmonized riffs.
Seriously, he blasted an innocent person in the back of the head with a shotgun. Even his former bandmates are referring to fucking anticosmic dark forces when referencing him. He was just a religious fanatic, and a sefl-consciously "evil" one at that. I shall not mourn him.
Keith! said:
Well i've read that the other guy did the killing and Jon was an accessory, which is what he was charged for, got sentenced to 7 years and has sinse been released, while the other guy who got charged for the murder is still in prison. But whatever.

I've never heard any of his work so cant comment on his harmonized riffs.

Yep. You're right. He got 10 years but got out after 7.

"In December 1997, Jon Nödveidt was arrested for the murder of Josef Ben Meddaour and served seven years for accessory to murder and possession of an illegal firearm. The highly publicized murder in Gothenburg is depicted in the movie "Keillers Park". What has come to be known as "the Satanic murder" in Sweden has led to both a movie and a book."

Jesus people stop judging this guy for what he's done, don't you understand that we live in a determined world, where everything is just the result of action and consequence? There is no such thing as "free will", every action you (your body) makes is just the result of chemical and electrical processes going on inside your body. Every "decision" you make is set if the structure of your body and and the environmental stimuli at the moment of the "decision" are set. Your consciousness and your "decision making" consciousness flow is just an abstraction of the centralisation of information in your brain and the continuously refreshing of that information as new stimuli enter your body. There is nothing more to you than your body. So stop accusing and judging people for what they've done, and saying they deserve to die and to go to hell for the idiot hypocritical judgmental christians among you. Yes, people that do things like this are a danger to society and need to be locked up, but is unnecessary to wish them useless pain and sorrow. Just consider yourself lucky that you had a combination of genetics and environmental impulses that resulted in a life path that so far ran less unfortunate than that of this man. Wishing this man harm and punishment for what he's done is no better than me wishing those of you that have not understood this harm and punishment for being stupid and ignorant.
Opethian666 said:
Jesus people stop judging this guy for what he's done, don't you understand that we live in a determined world, where everything is just the result of action and consequence? There is no such thing as "free will", every action you (your body) makes is just the result of chemical and electrical processes going on inside your body. Every "decision" you make is set if the structure of your body and and the environmental stimuli at the moment of the "decision" are set. Your consciousness and your "decision making" consciousness flow is just an abstraction of the centralisation of information in your brain and the continuously refreshing of that information as new stimuli enter your body. There is nothing more to you than your body. So stop accusing and judging people for what they've done, and saying they deserve to die and to go to hell for the idiot hypocritical judgmental christians among you. Yes, people that do things like this are a danger to society and need to be locked up, but is unnecessary to wish them useless pain and sorrow. Just consider yourself lucky that you had a combination of genetics and environmental impulses that resulted in a life path that so far ran less unfortunate than that of this man. Wishing this man harm and punishment for what he's done is no better than me wishing those of you that have not understood this harm and punishment for being stupid and ignorant.

Well if somebody murdered your mother I think you would be less eager to explain his motives with chemistry and bad environment :Smug: Both definitly have an influence on our lives but if you want to use them as a substitute to responsibility for your own actions then that's where I call it a stretch...

BTW, aren't we back in the busdriver thread here? :lol:
Opethian666 said:
Jesus people stop judging this guy for what he's done, don't you understand that we live in a determined world, where everything is just the result of action and consequence? There is no such thing as "free will", every action you (your body) makes is just the result of chemical and electrical processes going on inside your body. Every "decision" you make is set if the structure of your body and and the environmental stimuli at the moment of the "decision" are set. Your consciousness and your "decision making" consciousness flow is just an abstraction of the centralisation of information in your brain and the continuously refreshing of that information as new stimuli enter your body. There is nothing more to you than your body. So stop accusing and judging people for what they've done, and saying they deserve to die and to go to hell for the idiot hypocritical judgmental christians among you. Yes, people that do things like this are a danger to society and need to be locked up, but is unnecessary to wish them useless pain and sorrow. Just consider yourself lucky that you had a combination of genetics and environmental impulses that resulted in a life path that so far ran less unfortunate than that of this man. Wishing this man harm and punishment for what he's done is no better than me wishing those of you that have not understood this harm and punishment for being stupid and ignorant.

Fate? Seriously? Lack of free will? Come on!

It's convinient really because it total removes the blame from people, if you're a failure then you can say "But it's not my fault". Jesus there's entire philosiphies based on this horeshit Daoism anyone, basically it says that things just happen, bad and good things don't happen to you they just happen. Total rubbish basically.

So no Jon could have walked away, as you should now.
Opethian666 said:
Jesus people stop judging this guy for what he's done, don't you understand that we live in a determined world, where everything is just the result of action and consequence? There is no such thing as "free will", every action you (your body) makes is just the result of chemical and electrical processes going on inside your body. Every "decision" you make is set if the structure of your body and and the environmental stimuli at the moment of the "decision" are set. Your consciousness and your "decision making" consciousness flow is just an abstraction of the centralisation of information in your brain and the continuously refreshing of that information as new stimuli enter your body. There is nothing more to you than your body. So stop accusing and judging people for what they've done, and saying they deserve to die and to go to hell for the idiot hypocritical judgmental christians among you. Yes, people that do things like this are a danger to society and need to be locked up, but is unnecessary to wish them useless pain and sorrow. Just consider yourself lucky that you had a combination of genetics and environmental impulses that resulted in a life path that so far ran less unfortunate than that of this man. Wishing this man harm and punishment for what he's done is no better than me wishing those of you that have not understood this harm and punishment for being stupid and ignorant.

I like how you state all of this as if it is fact. It's a theory that some people (like you) adhere to, and not a very popular one at that.
:Wreath: said:
Well if somebody murdered your mother I think you would be less eager to explain his motives with chemistry and bad environment Both definitly have an influence on our lives but if you want to use them as a substitute to responsibility for your own actions then that's where I call it a stretch...

They don't just have an influence on our lives, they define us. What are we but a collection of molecules? Unless you are going to say that there is some kind of supernatural spiritual entity inside of us that can take decisions and is not governed by the laws of physics, we don't really ever take true decisions, that is, there is never a point in time when a decision could not be theoretically predicted if all information about the structure of the person's body and the input he is getting from his environment at that moment in time is known. So actually, nobody is really responsible for his own actions in the way most people would see it, it just so happens that everybody's body reacts differently to the input it has gotten from its environment regarding information about possible consequences to some actions he/she might undertake.

BTW, aren't we back in the busdriver thread here?

Oh dear, yes we are, and a part of the emperor thread too :erk:
Powers said:
Fate? Seriously? Lack of free will? Come on!

It's convinient really because it total removes the blame from people, if you're a failure then you can say "But it's not my fault". Jesus there's entire philosiphies based on this horeshit Daoism anyone, basically it says that things just happen, bad and good things don't happen to you they just happen. Total rubbish basically.

So please explain why it is rubbish, and perhaps propose a physical mechanism that allows persons to take choices regardless of a determined set of body structures and environmental input, because as far as I know that would be breaking the laws of physics. The only way to make it possible to allow for real free will as most people look upon it, is to use some kind of spiritual entity inside persons. So either you go for some kind of supernatural nonsense, or you accept that there is no real free will. And another thing: it's convenient to think we have free will because it gives us a sense of pride and vanity, about the things we accomplished, while in fact it's all just consequence and reaction.

So no Jon could have walked away, as you should now.

Jon could have only walked away if either the structure of his body would have been different at that moment in time, or if his environmental input would have been different. In all cases, if we could repeat the moment in time where he made the "decision" in the exact same circumstances, he would kill him every time again. That's just basic logic.
Opethian666 said:
Jesus people stop judging this guy for what he's done, don't you understand that we live in a determined world, where everything is just the result of action and consequence? There is no such thing as "free will", every action you (your body) makes is just the result of chemical and electrical processes going on inside your body. Every "decision" you make is set if the structure of your body and and the environmental stimuli at the moment of the "decision" are set. Your consciousness and your "decision making" consciousness flow is just an abstraction of the centralisation of information in your brain and the continuously refreshing of that information as new stimuli enter your body. There is nothing more to you than your body.

What absolute twaddle.

You mean to say, it is impossible to stop urges? I guess there is no such thing as willpower then? I make choices ever single day, weighing up the pros and cons of doing ANYTHING. I dont make decisions or take actions on "feeling" or primal urge (unless its to eat of take a shit or something basic). There is such a thing as rational / logical thought. We have evolved thought patterns and consciousness, we have the ability to make choices.

You really did yourself a disservice making such a stupid comment there.

think about it kthx.