Opinions wanted on my new mix

Sounds good. Everything breathes well. Dig the progressive. Can't really think of anything majorly wrong with it. Good all around and nice production.
Overall very nice! Don't particulary like the treatment on the mix though, very clipped and smudgey. Try taking it down 3-4db and it should sound very nice! Is it T-Racks?
Plec said:
Overall very nice! Don't particulary like the treatment on the mix though, very clipped and smudgey. Try taking it down 3-4db and it should sound very nice! Is it T-Racks?
Thanks for listening:headbang:
It's not T-Racks. For the mastering i used freefilter and dB audioware limiter.
I'll try to take it down a couple dB's to see if i prefer it.
What drum samples were used? And were they triggered or programmed? The mix sounds great to my ears, maybe the lead guitar could have done with a bit more of the dry signal mixed in but thats just my personal preferance, overall the instument all seem to sit together well. Good job.
Razorjack said:
What drum samples were used? And were they triggered or programmed? The mix sounds great to my ears, maybe the lead guitar could have done with a bit more of the dry signal mixed in but thats just my personal preferance, overall the instument all seem to sit together well. Good job.
The drums are programmed, i used "Drumkit from hell".
Keregioz said:
The drums are programmed, i used "Drumkit from hell".

Yes, Drumkit From Hell is a very beautiful thing. Usefull for those times when the drummer you have/don't have just can't cut it.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
Drumkit from hell superior is like making love to a beautiful women. :cool:

Its like making love to a beautiful woman and knowing she can do anything you ask her to.
It sounds VERY good. I actually listened to it several times - that doesn't happen too often :) The drumming sounds very good - I've gotta check out those DFH plugins. The overall sound is very good -

Nice work, really....