Enemie of reality re-mix...

I just got the remix and I must day, it is just like a whole new Nevermore album. All of the songs I loved are 100 times better. Good work Andy. :rock:
I've been listening to the NeverDudes for a long time. Van even made the logo for my current band. I tried VERY hard to get into Enemies. I am in no way a production snob, but that album was hard to get into . The remix-remaster was great and it tided me over till This Godless came out.
The remastered version was great! and totaly different by the old version, I think the new version have made Justice to the Nevermore guys becouse there are Killer songs and Killer riffs in e.o.r album!!
Thanks Andy
mh...imho EoR has very few weak tracks....create the infinite is the worst song on that album. noumenon is cool because it's so weird, definitely different from pretty much everything else.
my faves are the title track, never purify (the solo :OMG: ) as well as seed awakening
This is kinda off topic but i'm not sure if i have the remix. i bought it used because i couldn't find it in a store. i have the copy that came in the all black case with the bonus DVD. can anyone tell me if i have the orriginal or the remix. It sounds pretty good, not as good as TGE or DHIADW but i know didn't have much to work with. HELP