Opposed - new mix


Mojito Maniac
Apr 17, 2009
The Black Forest
So here`s my second one , it`s kinda simple raw thrash tune. We chose to record our easiest songs first to learn and do the more complex stuff later on...so here it is
I hope we get the vocals done this evening. Things that are going to change probably are the toms. I have sampled my toms with a better mic and probably replace the originals. Anything else I might look at ?


You can also hear it in the soundclick link in my sig.
Thanks !
Yeah I was trying to get as raw as possible. But our singer/guitarist didn`t like it that much so I had to tame the guitars a bit...
Also instead of doing the vocals last evening, he brought his didgeridoo(!) and we played around with that.Recorded it with a bassdrum mic.
And guess what, it was totally in tune with the rest - it almost has the same frequency as the bass !
So I made a little test and put it in the slow part and removed the guitars instead to break the monotony....
