Rock/Pop mix (No Metal here :\)

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey guys, I recorded some guys with a friend on my Uni's studio.

They are pretty bad, the drummer couldn't come around with the click, the guitar players are awful... both guitars and bass had strings with over 2 months or so... :puke:

But it was just for practice so we didn't care if it was a good band or not...

We recorded drums with:

Kick - AKG D112
Hihat - A random condenser don't remember
Snare Top and Bottom - SM57
Toms - Samson Tom Kit I guess, either way they suck hard
Overheads - couple AKG's, not even a stereo pair, one was omnidirectional the other was hipercardiod (Hey.. we had to work with what they had in the studio :\)
Room Mic - AKG (dont remember the model)

Guitars - Amp Brunetti XL-REVO > Brunetti cab > SM57
Bass - DI
Vox - I wasn't in the vox session so I don't know which mic was used

So.. this is just for mixing critique purposes only... I don't care how bad they are (because they are) I just want some critique on MY mix please (What's good/bad, and what should I improve):cool:

So here are the links:

This is the bounce of all raw files when we finished recording (there are some retarded pannings in there, my friend forgot to take them off at the time)

And this is my mix:

P.S. - I know that in the RAW mp3 there is a tom distorting just in the beginning, it was a problem with the crappy XLR cables that were there... so I had to replace the toms because they were pretty bad...
Your mix is cool, everything is way clearer.
Kick might be a bit "heavy" for the musik, I would prefer something less "clicky".
And I also really dig the song, has some black sabbath charme :D
I think it's too loose... It certainly isn't tight... I'd lay off the verb on the vocals and make it far less obvious, use more compression if you're aiming for that pop/rock sound that is IN today...

Hope it helps ;)
Hm... yea I think I'll low on the reverb, compress a bit more and maybe add just a little bit of saturation... Well... yeah, NOTHING is tight... it's not my fault, we spend hours just to record this lol, they just can't play tight enough...

And I agree with the kick, it's way too clicky for this type of music, I'll mess with it and see what I can come up. Thanks :)

Btw is there anything I can improve on the guitars? Sound wise... I can't correct the bad playing obviously lol I'm afraid to give more definition because it will give away the mistakes even more :X
Vocals are great!! Try EQing the guitar that is in the center... some frequencies just bounce right out... and try compressing the drums more! Parallel compression... Also I'd place the center guitar a bit more into the space, somewhere near the vocals... Because right now it's too upfront... I'd suggest reverb and some delay but otherwise it's a great improvement....
Hey thanks!! You think the drums need more compression? They're already compressed into a group track. And there is no center guitar, it's dual tracked hard panned, there are some leads here and there that have some panning automation but that's it
Thanks man! I think the mix overall lacks a bit on the low-end but I didn't want to push the bass much more except on the slapping parts, because it's so awfully played it will be noticed...

Well, anyways this is just for my own practice, the recording conditions weren't ideal... You think there's anything else I can do with the guitars? I'm pretty happy with the vocals and drums