o'reilly is now skeptical about bush???!!!!!!!!

yeah, i've been following that. there are several good articles about it on slate.com right now (just go to the front page, you'll see).

it's hard for me to criticize Bush for not finding the WMDs and say "this impugns the war", because from the beginning i've held the point of view that WMDs were absolutely meaningless to the justification for war. and now, it seems, i'm vindicated when i said that, "If Bush had just said this was a war primarily to free the Iraqi people rather than scaring Americans with all this self-defence and WMD nonsense, the simple fact of 'going to war' would be a lot harder--if not impossible--to credibly attack."

what i think Bush should be doing is pushing the we-toppled-Saddam thing. it's inarguably a good thing--even the most Bush-hatin' liberal has to agree. that wuold require Bush to admit his massive dishonesty in selling the war to the uninformed American populace as a defencive war, though, and he might not survive that come November.
the thing is alex, if he pushes that too far someone may start asking why he is appointing old members of saddam's regime to the new government he's building. maybe that's why? (I'm guessing)
sullivan tends toward libertarian conservatism, and bush is really alienating a lot of the conservative movement with his spend-and-spend government and draconian social controls. real "conservatives" would actually hate Bush because he's into big government--just different big parts of government than liberals are. i just hope that that causes them not to vote for him--there's no libertarian/conservative Nader equivalent to suck away disgruntled con votes.

i was listening to NPR yesterday and they were all like "john kerry is good because of x y and z. his problem is that he's a Massachusetts liberal".

what the hell is wrong with being a Massachusetts liberal?! bill maher, who's almost always retarded, nevertheless said some good things last week about how the South is completely unable to shake off its legacy of bigotry; Northerners will vote for Southerners running against Northerners, but Southerners will generally not vote for Northerners running against Southerners (without other factors, such as party, coming into play).

come on. it's retarded the rest of the country has to suck up to the South just because the voters are bigots who won't vote for people with different accents than then. if Edwards were from MA and Kerry were from SC and they had the exact same platforms as they do now, Edwards wouldn't even be a blip in any of the primary results. not even 1%.
well, the de-Baathification should probably follow the pattern of Germany's de-Nazification, and I seem to recall that not all Nazis were automatically banned from government, and it was a case-by-case basis? because otherwise you have a huge number of the country's educated being completely removed from the equation, which plunges the nation backward; in addition, the former Baathists turn to insurrection simply because they can't get any sort of job. there's got to be a strata of Baathists who were lower-level, not fervent Saddamites, no real crimes tied to them, who are educated and can take part in the nation's de-Baathification and future governmental positions, right?
If you're talking about "The Connecion" yesterday, I love how the guests blatantly maintained, throughout the whole show, that everyone in the South was racist and resentful about JFK's role in the civil rights movement. And not one person called in to rebut the claim.

i didn't hear that part, but JFK is actually an exception to the rule--the south DID vote for him. (the rule became mostly coalesced in the past 30 years, though, and i'm mostly referring to primaries).

the South can show they're not bigoted by not using "New Englander" as an insult, and withholding their votes accordingly. the rest of the country has been voting for Southerners for decades, and it's not because the South produces better Presidents than the North or West.