Sadam Husein arrested?!

Voice of God said:
Ah, now that they got Saddam, people don't have to remember about those weapons of mass destruction anymore. What a relief for Bush. I'm eagerly waiting for the show-trial.
yeah, basically.
hahaha... holy shit... that's what you deserved, cocksucking motherfucker!

Some 'best wishes': (from Dimmu Forum)
"torture and kill the bastard is what I would do......"

"My roommate comes in from getting the morning paper and says "did you know they captured Saddam?" I said "yeaah I knew that already". When she asked me how I new, I told her simple. The black metal world in Europe spread the word long before the media here played with whatever we've being shown.
HOLY HELL! All the local stations have CNN, FOX NEWS, MSNBC all that shit is on now. Hell, it'll be repeated 55 times before 10 am (it's only 7:30 now) so I'll get the "hole" (yep pun included) story from our beloved non bias (yeah right!) meadia. Well enjoy the circus everyone!!!"

"I'm glad they finally caught that cock sucker"

"I think they should take Saddam to every country's capital and they can have one of those medieval public embarassments where we all throw rotten tomatoes at him."
Posting a "no comment" post is contradicting yourself. No comment would have been not to post anything, but you did. Halfwit.
Perhaps I was expressing that there would be no use in sharing my opinions with anyone. :p
Protocol said:
I feel sorry for him. He looks so sad in the pictures. =(
I feel sorry for the 100,000 kurds he used nerve and blister gas on :cry:

If you know anything about Milosevic and his horrors, Saddam makes him look like a quoir boy. :rolleyes:
I am magical truth-saying bastard proto and say out loud what everyone else is too chicken to admit: I really don't give a shit about people who are dead already.
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Protocol said:
I am magical truth-saying bastard proto and say out loud what everyone else is too chicken to admit: I really don't give a shit about people who are dead already.
you dont, but there is relatives and families to 100.000 dead people that does....
I'm sorry, I just can't make myself give a shit about the dead. Not even if they're my relatives. Dead is dead. Is dead.