Orphaned Land plays in a Wedding :))))


Orphaned Avi (not drumer)
Sep 18, 2002
last metal band I saw play in a wedding were Maiden, in poland :tickled:


Yossi and the Buzuki


Really great... always wanted to have a concert on my wedding if there should be one... and a band like this... a dream!
(actually my Boyfriend asked me if we would get married maybe next year :oops: )
mm... may i just ask... who's wedding was it?
good pics, they look as good as always.
I think Kobi was actually wearing army boots.... Kalot... I'm not sure, but it caught my eye.:yow:
SmaviL said:
Really great... always wanted to have a concert on my wedding if there should be one... and a band like this... a dream!
(actually my Boyfriend asked me if we would get married maybe next year :oops: )


I pray for you to have this kind of wedding.....
(and for me too.....actually.....but this is going to be far in the future)
Corporal McDick said:
mm... may i just ask... who's wedding was it?
good pics, they look as good as always.
I think Kobi was actually wearing army boots.... Kalot... I'm not sure, but it caught my eye.:yow:
u have sharp vue my friend ..it s an alfa boots indeed ...and since kobe s wearing it so it ll be the famous alfa one :D
u have sharp vue my friend ..it s an alfa boots indeed ...and since kobe s wearing it so it ll be the famous alfa one :D
Well thx, the thing is I wear army boots myself, a remanent from the time when I was RUSKI PUNKASS BITCH... I still look at ppl's feet... and I think those were "McRae" army boots...
demn-to-eternity said:
Would you play in my wedding if I ever get married?!?!? :)
I should ask the same thing, and if you have any MP3s or something of it.

God bless,
Folklore said:
Sep, awesome signature
Thank you very much. I was looking for a picture of Reagan doing moose antlers (I found one) and I found the one in my sig and thought, "Hmmm.... that would make a cool STFU picture..."