Orpheus... NAME CHANGE + New video clip!

A lot of it is Chris' picking hand. He has a very distinctive way of striking the strings and you can hear it's him playing a mile away.

After using the same guitar (albeit with worse pickups) for another record, I can tell you that it did no favors to the tone.
@ermz: yeah... I've definitely realized that :-/ and I don't know why because my actual picking style isn't exactly unorthodox! Just channelling that melodeath squish I guess haha!
Having said that, I'm hearing a lot of cool feedback on the guitar tone which is funny knowing how much I dislike it! :p

@nuno: cheers dude \m/ much appreciated! Busted my ass on it, hopefully it carries to future work now :)
I'm gonna +1 to the awesome song/production, not really good video.
I think it would have been better to have just a lyrics video...but also the lyric part of the video isn't really made too awesome.
But I see the sense behind making such a type of video.
With the soundcloud player it's pretty easy to compare your mix to ermz' work on the first album (although soundcloud totally rapes the sound but meh), and it holds up pretty well!

Ermz' mix overall sounded a bit fuller in the bass, but I wouldn't say your mix lacks bass.
Sounds more "metal" than the rockish approach you guys were going for with the first one.

Overall killer work!
Although I hear what you might not dig about the guitartone
With the soundcloud player it's pretty easy to compare your mix to ermz' work on the first album (although soundcloud totally rapes the sound but meh), and it holds up pretty well!

Ermz' mix overall sounded a bit fuller in the bass, but I wouldn't say your mix lacks bass.
Sounds more "metal" than the rockish approach you guys were going for with the first one.

Overall killer work!
Although I hear what you might not dig about the guitartone

I Appreciate your thoughts dude \m/ the funny thing is that we never actually *aimed* for a rock approach on the first one at all, but when it came out that way and it sounded sick! Very suited to the vibe of Bleed The Way. This mix/ vibe was what we wanted it to be more like on the first album, but it wouldn't have worked at all then, so it's really cool to now have some awesome contrast between albums in both musical style and production :D
Hey guys. Yeah, you read correctly :'( I'm so devastated right now, it just... Out of fucking nowhere. Thanks for your thoughts guys. Ill pass it on to the rest of the guys