ORwarriOR in the media

Metal hammer's Uk Subterranea *cover*

LOUD! portugal *cover*

EMP France *cover*

Shop Circus - mail order *cover*

Composition #5, front cover feature (Israeli photograpy magazine)
Cover of the Kerrang in Spain. Would be much obliged if someone can send me the article. Best would be a scan of it.

Its strange, but the cover you've posted is not of the spanish edition of Kerrang.

Kerrang! 194, which is the edition that features Orphaned Land and Finntroll as pictured in the cover you've sent, has ACDC as the main characters:


Where does the cover come from? Did kerrang changed the cover at the very last moment?
Jose Lozano
Argentina, maybe? Dont think so:

From the wikipedia, there are only three editions of Kerrang!, British, Australian and Spanish.

International editions

Emap launched Kerrang! Australia in the late 1990s. Unlike its weekly counterpart in the UK, the Australian edition was published monthly due to stiff competition from free local music publications. Kerrang! is also published in Spanish.

The answer is that both of you are right. In the last edition of Kerrang in Spain AC/DC hit the cover and Orphaned Land is the "cover" of magazine´s central pages dedicated to black - death - gothic metal bands (Zona oscura = Dark Zone).

Cheers from Spain
The answer is that both of you are right. In the last edition of Kerrang in Spain AC/DC hit the cover and Orphaned Land is the "cover" of magazine´s central pages dedicated to black - death - gothic metal bands (Zona oscura = Dark Zone).

Cheers from Spain

Ok! But just to fix you: it is not the last edition, new edition is 195, not 194. Tried to buy it to send scans to Nathalie, but the only number they had was 195, not 194...

Jose Lozano

Now here you can tell that the dude who reviewed this stuff didnt really take his time to properly listen to it, probably didnt even get what Mabool really was, maybe expected Mabool II... who knows... that site seems to have gathered all OL dislikers/haters it seems... I dont say everyone should love OL, but this guy simply cant really support it :D
I dont know Jose, Im pretty sure we are not talking about the same magazine. On the OL cover its written no 67. I guessed it was Speanish because of the language. If anyone in the forum knows, we would like to hear it.

Finally, found it after a deep seach!!!

I send you the scans. Ten years since I do not but any metal magazine :-) Omg!

Jose Lozano
For all of you who can read German: March edition (nr274) of RockHard has a wonderful special on Oriental Metal.
-4 page interview with Kobi Farhi
-2 page interview with The Kordz from Beirut
-1 cd feat. Orphaned Land/ The Kordz(Beirut)/ Lazywall(UK/Marokko)/Bilocate(Jordan)
-2 page interview with Mark Levine, author of "Heavy Metal Islam
-5 pages on different bands and interesting background stories on metal in middle east/North Africa

This is money well spent! REALLY well spent.

Once the issue is off the shelves, we will try to do something to make it available to everyone. I am looking for a volunteer to translate German to English for this one. I don't have time to do it myself.

Interview with Khalas the Arabic Rock band from Palestine.
Those guys are friends with Orphaned Land. Here a quote from the article:
I think one of the greatest Israeli bands is orphaned land; they are good friends, great musicians and wonderful human beings. Maybe Israelis can take Orphaned Land as role models. Yea, that’s a good idea.

I probably don't need to point out to you how amazing it is that a Palestinian says this about an Israel band. I mean, for saying this they can be regarded traitors amongst their own people. I spoke with Abed from the band myself on my last trip to Israel.
Khalas means something like 'enough, quit' in Arabic.

Read it here http://www.jorzine.com/interviews/Interview_with_khalas.html
The bands pages http://www.myspace.com/khalasband and http://www.khalas.net/

Nathalie, I have lived in Germany and speak German quite fluently (not perfectly but still quite fluently). I'd be happy to give the translation a try.

Can you try to get a copy of the magazine? Needless to say it won't be available here in Spain, which is a shame because reading in German is no problem for me. It's getting the magazine here that will be problematic.

As for that Palestinian band... I may be wrong, but isn't Acco in Israel proper rather than in the Palestinian territories? As I said I may be wrong but I thought it's somewhere in north Israel. Not too far from the West Bank but I thought it was in Israel proper. Not that it matters that much, the message of the band is clear. I'm quite confident Orphaned Land'd even be welcomed with open arms in Gaza. Their message of peace would probably be welcomed with a lot of positive responses from the population in the Palestinian territories.