OSA's April Fool's joke (2013)

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First an album, then a feature-length film…what could possibly be the next stop on the Imaginaerum train?

A Broadway musical, perhaps?

OSA has been contacted by an anonymous “tipster”, who has it on good authority that the band is in talks with a well-known Broadway actor who is looking to branch out into directing musicals of their own. The Imaginaerum musical would be their directorial debut. Because this particular actor is quite popular on the Broadway scene, the unnamed source has asked us to not reveal their name at this time, as everything is still in the early stages; no contracts have been signed and “nothing is set in stone”, according to our tipster, who has been a longtime Nightwish fan, a regular visitor to our site, and the person who encouraged this actor/budding director to see the film during a trip to Finland last December.

And while we cannot openly name the players involved in this project, we were given a small statement: “I had the good fortune to see this film at a theater in Helsinki while I was doing promotional work in Finland late last year, and felt this would translate beautifully to the stage. From that moment onward, I knew I’d found the project I was looking for, to make my transition from Broadway actor to director. It’s a touching story I think everyone can relate to.”

Considering the fact that the movie has not even been shown in U.S. theaters, we couldn't help but ask our reliable source what they felt the chances were of this play becoming any more successful on American stages. “There have been many Broadway plays turned into movies that never quite reach the same audience, and vice-versa. Live stage performances and film are two different worlds. The fact that this movie has never been shown in the U.S. may actually be an advantage to its success as a Broadway musical. No one has any expectations or high hopes as to what it will be like.”

We have not been able to reach any of the bandmembers or anyone involved with the Imaginaerum film for further comment, but our source has sent us some rough drafts of ideas they have for the musical. Click on the link to take a look!

Hmm...I think it could be done. I mean, if they could make a musical out of Green Day's music (I'm not even close to a fan of theirs but the musical was very well received) why not Nightwish? Imaginaerum is, of course, very theatrical and I agree that it would translate well to a live stage performance. It would be cool if they could incorporate a couple other Nightwish songs into the musical too, like Sleeping Sun.
Yes; too bad it's not actually happening, because...in case you folks haven't already figured it out...our news article from yesterday (about Imaginaerum turning into a Broadway musical) was nothing more than an April Fool's joke!

Special thanks to Adrian and Dream Emporium for their assistance in this elaborate ruse.

To everyone else: thanks for being such good sports! See you next year! :lol: